Solaris 8 (SPARC Platform Edition) 10/00 Release Notes Update

sdtwinlst (Window List) and sdtgwm (Windows Manager) Icons Are Missing from desktop_apps (4360521)

The sdtwinlst (Window List) and sdtgwm (Windows Manager) icons do not appear in Application Manager. A generic icon is displayed instead. The reason is that two action files, sdtgwm.dt and sdtwinlst.dt, are missing from the directory /usr/dt/appconfig/types/C.

Workaround: To add the missing icons:

  1. Create a new file in /usr/dt/appconfig/type/C and name it sdtgwm.dt.

  2. Edit this file and insert the following text:

    ACTION SDtgwm
    		LABEL				GWM
    		TYPE					COMMAND
    		EXEC_STRING		sdtgwm
    		ICON					SDtgwm

  3. Create a new file in /usr/dt/appconfig/type/C and name it sdtwinlst.dt.

  4. Edit this file and insert the following text:

    ACTION SDtWinLst
    		LABEL				Window List
    		TYPE					COMMAND
    		EXEC_STRING		sdtwinlst
    		ICON					SDtWinLst

  5. To verify all actions have been reloaded, exit the CDE session and log in again.