Solaris DHCP Administration Guide

How to Modify DHCP Option Properties (dhtadm)

  1. Become superuser or a user assigned to the DHCP Management profile .

  2. Type a command using the following format:

    # dhtadm -M -s option-name-d 'category,code,data-type,granularity,maximum'



    is the option name whose definition you want to change. 


    is Site, Extend, or Vendor=list-of-classes, and list-of-classes is a space-separated list of vendor client classes to which the option applies. For example, SUNW.Ultra5_10 SUNW.Ultra-1 SUNWi86pc.


    is a numeric value appropriate to the option category, as explained in Table 4–9.


    is a keyword that indicates the type of data passed with the option, as explained in Table 4–9.


    is a nonnegative number, as explained in Table 4–9.


    is a nonnegative number, as explained in as explained in Table 4–9.

    Note that you must specify all of the DHCP option properties with the -d switch, not just the properties you want to change.

    The following two commands are examples:

    # dhtadm -M -s NewOpt -d 'Site,135,UNUMBER8,1,1'
    # dhtadm -M -s NewServ -d 'Vendor=SUNW.Ultra-1 \