LDAP Setup and Configuration Guide

NIS Domain

In order for the Solaris clients to find a server for a specific domain, the nisDomain attribute of the nisDomainObject objectclass must be defined in the root DN entry of the DIT representing the desired domain. This information is used by the client when initializing the system and refreshing the client profile. During the initialization, the client searches for an entry on the LDAP server that has the nisDomain matching the desired domain. The DN for the entry found will be used as the BaseDN for the naming information.

When refreshing the client profile, the ldap_cachemgr on the client machine verifies that nisDomain defined in the root DN entry matches the domain desired before refreshing its profile.

For illustrative purposes, this document uses the following nisDomain:

dn: dc=mkt,dc=mainstore,dc=com
dc: mkt
objectclass: top
objectclass: domain
objectclass: nisDomainObject
nisdomain: mkt.mainstore.com