Solaris WBEM Services Administrator's Guide

About the MOF Compiler

The Managed Object Format (MOF) Compiler parses a file containing MOF statements, converts the classes and instances defined in the file to Java classes, and adds the Java classes to the CIM Object Manager Repository, a central storage area for management data. The compiler loads the Java classes into the default namespace, root\cimv2, unless a #pragma namespace("namespace_path") statement appears in the MOF file.

The mofcomp command, which starts the MOF compiler, is executed before installation to compile MOF files that describe the CIM and Solaris Schemas. The CIM Schema is a collection of class definitions used to represent managed objects that occur in every management environment. The Solaris Schema is a collection of class definitions that extend the CIM Schema and represent managed objects in a typical Solaris operating environment.

MOF is a language for defining CIM classes and instances. MOF files are ASCII text files that use the MOF language to describe CIM objects. A CIM object is a computer representation or model of a managed resource, such as a printer, disk drive, or CPU.

Many sites store information about managed resources in MOF files. Because MOF can be converted to Java, Java applications that can run on any system with a Java Virtual Machine can interpret and exchange this information. You can also use the mofcomp command to compile MOF files at any time after installation.

Note -

If you recompile the CIM_Schema23.mof file or the Solaris_Schema1.0.mof file, you must change to become root user before compiling. For example:

% /usr/sadm/bin/mofcomp -v -u root -p [root-password] /usr/sadm/mof/Solaris_Schema1.0.mof