Solaris WBEM Services Administrator's Guide

The Solaris_Device1.0.mof File

The Solaris_Device1.0.mof file defines the following classes:

In addition, the Solaris_Device1.0.mof file defines the following association classes:

Serial Ports

The Solaris_SerialPort class is defined with Boolean properties that let you control how serial port characteristics, such as baud rate and parity, are handled by the port. The Solaris_PortConfiguration class properties let you specify data values that a user can view or modify.

Solaris_Printer Class and Printing Definitions

The properties of the Solaris_Printer class and related classes are inherited from the CIM_Printer class and allow you to specify values for printers and printing services.

Solaris_TimeZone Class

The Solaris_TimeZone class properties allow you to specify values for setting and changing the date.

The Solaris_SystemTimeZone class is an association between the Solaris_ComputerSystem and Solaris_TimeZone classes. Its properties are Element, which holds the value of a CIM_ObjectPath to a Solaris_ComputerSystem instance, and Setting, which holds the value of a CIM_ObjectPath to a Solaris_TimeZone instance.

         Provider ("")] 
class Solaris_SystemTimeZone:Solaris_SystemSetting 
{        [override("Element")]     
    Solaris_ComputerSystem REF Element;        
    Solaris_TimeZone REF Setting; };