Solaris 8 Installation Supplement

Chapter 3 Upgrading to a Solaris 8 Update Release

This chapter provides additional information about upgrading to a Solaris 8 Update release. For complete upgrade instructions, refer to Solaris 8 (SPARC Platform Edition) Installation Guide, Solaris 8 (Intel Platform Edition) Installation Guide, or Solaris 8 Advanced Installation Guide.

Upgrading the JavaSpaces Data Store to Prevent WBEM Data Loss

You must convert any proprietary custom Managed Object Format (MOF) data to the new Reliable Log repository format used with Solaris WBEM Services 2.3 if you are upgrading to the Solaris 8 1/01 operating environment (Solaris WBEM Services 2.3) from one of the following:

Failure to convert the data will result in data loss.

To convert Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM) data, before upgrading you must save the JavaSpacesTM software. After upgrading, you must run the wbemconfig convert command.

Note -

For detailed instructions on how to save the JavaSpaces software, see Solaris 8 1/01 Release Notes.

After upgrading to the Solaris 8 1/01 operating environment, follow these steps to convert the WBEM data.

  1. Change to superuser and stop the Common Information Model (CIM) Object Manager.

    # /etc/init.d/init.wbem stop

    Caution - Caution -

    Failure to stop the CIM Object Manager before running the wbemconfig convert command might corrupt your data.

  2. Restore the JavaSpaces software that you saved before upgrading.

    # mv /usr/sadm/lib/wbem/outrigger.jar /usr/sadm/lib/wbem/outrigger.jar.2
    # mv /usr/sadm/lib/wbem/outrigger.jar.tmp /usr/sadm/lib/wbem/outrigger.jar

  3. In a separate location from the currently installed JDKTM software, install the JDK version that was installed on your machine before installing the Solaris 8 1/01 operating environment. You can download the JDK software from

  4. Change the symbolic link from /usr/java to the location of the JDK version that was installed on your machine before you install the Solaris 8 1/01 operating environment. For example, do the following if you installed Solaris_JDK_1.2.1_04c in /old_sdk:

    # rm /usr/java
    # ln -s /old_sdk/Solaris_JDK_1.2.1_04c /usr/java

  5. Convert the JavaSpaces data to Reliable Log format.

    # /usr/sadm/lib/wbem/wbemconfig convert

  6. Restore the outrigger.jar file included in the Solaris 8 1/01 installation.

    # mv /usr/sadm/lib/wbem/outrigger.jar.2 /usr/sadm/lib/wbem/outrigger.jar

  7. Change the symbolic link from /usr/java to the location of the JDK software that ships with the Solaris 8 1/01 operating environment. For example:

    # rm /usr/java
    # ln -s /usr/java1.2 /usr/java

  8. Start the CIM Object Manager.

    # /etc/init.d/init.wbem start

Upgrading From the Solaris 8 Operating Environment

If you are already running the Solaris 8 operating environment and have installed individual patches, upgrading to a Solaris 8 Update release causes the following:

To see a list of patches that are removed, use the Patch Analyzer as described in the following section.

Analyzing the Patches

The Patch Analyzer performs an analysis on your system to determine which (if any) patches will be removed by upgrading to the Solaris 8 Update release. The Patch Analyzer is available in the following formats.

Using the Patch Analyzer With a Solaris Web Start 3.0 Upgrade

This section supplements "Upgrading a System" in Solaris 8 (SPARC Platform Edition) Installation Guide and "Upgrading a System" in Solaris 8 (Intel Platform Edition) Installation Guide.

The Solaris Web Start 3.0 installation method gives you the option to use the Patch Analyzer to analyze the patches on your system. After you choose Upgrade, the Patch Analyzer dialog box appears.

  1. In the Patch Analyzer dialog box, choose Yes and click Next.

    The Patch Analyzer reviews the system patches.

    The Patch Analyzer Summary dialog box displays the total number of patches that will be removed, downgraded, accumulated, or made obsolete by other patches.

  2. To see the specific patches that might be removed, downgraded, accumulated, or obsoleted by other patches, click the Details button(s).

  3. Decide if the patch replacements and deletions are acceptable.

    • If the patch replacements and deletions by the Solaris 8 Update release are acceptable, click Next to complete the upgrade.

    • If the patch replacements and deletions by the Solaris 8 Update release are not acceptable, click Exit to terminate the upgrade. You can use the Solaris 8 Maintenance Update and the Solaris 8 Maintenance Update Installation Guide to install the patches on your Solaris 8 system.