Solaris 8 System Administration Supplement

How to Back Up a UFS Snapshot

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Identify the file-system snapshot to be backed up.

    # fssnap -i /file-system

    For example:

    # fssnap -i /usr
    Snapshot number               : 1
    Block Device                  : /dev/fssnap/1
    Raw Device                    : /dev/rfssnap/1
    Mount point                   : /usr
    Device state                  : idle
    Backing store path            : /scratch/usr.back.file
    Backing store size            : 480 KB
    Maximum backing store size    : Unlimited
    Snapshot create time          : Tue Aug 08 09:57:07 2000
    Copy-on-write granularity     : 32 KB
  3. Back up the file system snapshot.

    # ufsdump 0ucf /dev/rmt/0 /snapshot-name

    For example:

    # ufsdump 0ucf /dev/rmt/0 /dev/rfssnap/1 
  4. Verify the snapshot is backed up.

    # ufsrestore ta /dev/rmt/0