Solaris 8 System Administration Supplement

How to Create a UFS Snapshot

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Make sure there is enough disk space for the backing-store file.

    # df -k 
  3. Make sure that a backing-store file of the same name and location does not already exist.

    # ls /file-system/backing-store-file
  4. Create the file-system snapshot.

    # fssnap -F ufs -o bs=/file-system/backing-store-file /file-system

Examples--Creating a UFS Snapshot

The following example creates a snapshot of the /usr file system. The backing-store file is /scratch/usr.back.file, and the virtual device is /dev/fssnap/1.

# fssnap -F ufs -o bs=/scratch/usr.back.file /usr

The following example limits the backing-store file to 500 Mbytes.

# fssnap -F ufs -o maxsize=500m,bs=/scratch/usr.back.file /export/home 