Solaris 8 Software Developer Supplement

Correct Behavior When a Device Has Failed

The system must report a fault in terms of the impact it has on the ability of the device to provide service. Typically, loss of service is expected when:

If the device state, returned by ddi_get_devstate(9F), indicates that the device is not usable, the driver should reject all new and outstanding I/O requests and return (if possible) an appropriate error code (for example, EIO). For a STREAMS driver, M_ERROR or M_HANGUP, as appropriate, should be put upstream to indicate that the driver is not usable.

The state of the device should be checked at each major entry point, optionally before committing resources to an operation, and after reporting a fault. If at any stage the device is found to be unusable, the driver should perform any cleanup actions that are required (for example, releasing resources) and return in a timely way. It should not attempt any retry or recovery action, nor does it need to report a fault. The state is not a fault, and it is already known to the framework and management agents. It should mark the current request and any other outstanding or queued requests as complete, again with an error indication if possible.

The ioctl() entry point presents a problem in this respect: ioctl operations that imply I/O to the device (for example, formatting a disk) should fail if the device is unusable, while others (such as recovering error status) should continue to work. The state check might therefore need to be on a per-command basis. Alternatively, you can implement those operations that work in any state through another entry point or minor device mode, although this might be constrained by issues of compatibility with existing applications

Note that close() should always complete successfully, even if the device is unusable. If the device is unusable, the interrupt handler should return DDI_INTR_UNCLAIMED for all subsequent interrupts. If interrupts continue to be generated the eventual result is that the interrupt is disabled.

Fault Reporting

This following function notifies the system that your driver has discovered a device fault.

void ddi_dev_report_fault(dev_info_t *dip, ddi_fault_impact_t impact,
             ddi_fault_location_t location, const char *message);

The impact parameter indicates the impact of the fault on the device's ability to provide normal service, and is used by the fault management components of the system to determine the appropriate action to take in response to the fault. This action can cause a change in the device state. A service-lost fault causes the device state to be changed to DOWN and a service-degraded fault causes the device state to be changed to DEGRADED.

A device should be reported as faulty if:

Drivers should avoid reporting the same fault repeatedly, if possible. In particular, it is redundant (and undesirable) for drivers to report any errors if the device is already in an unusable state (see ddi_get_devstate(9F)).

If a hardware fault is detected during the attach process, the driver must report the fault by using ddi_dev_report_fault(9F) as well as by returning DDI_FAILURE.