Solaris 8 (SPARC Platform Edition) 1/01 Release Notes Update

Chapter 5 Documentation Issues

This chapter describes known documentation problems.

The following documentation issues have been added to this chapter since this document was published on the Solaris 8 1/01 Documentation CD and in the Installation Kiosk on the Solaris 8 1/01 Installation CD.

Note -

The name of this product is Solaris 8 1/01, but code and path or package path names may use Solaris 2.8 or SunOS 5.8. Always follow the code or path as it is written.

Documentation Errata

Document Affected: "Drivers for Network Devices" in Solaris 8 Software Developer Supplement (4398700)

On page 29 of the Drivers for Network Devices chapter, the following symbol names are incorrectly used: GLD_PROMISC_MULTI, GLD_PROMISC_NONE, and GLD_PROMISC_PHYS. If you write a GLD-based network driver and use the incorrect symbols, the driver will not compile.

When you see:


Document Affected : Localized New Features List (4389948)

The localized New Features List are not contained in the Installation Kiosk.

Workaround: For a localized list, see "What's New at a Glance" in Solaris 8 Desktop User Supplement, Solaris 8 System Administration Supplement, Solaris 8 Software Developer Supplement, Solaris 8 Installation Supplement.

Document Affected: CDE User's Guide in AnswerBook2 (4356456)

Some graphics in the CDE Users's Guide in AnswerBook2 are unreadable in the Spanish, Italian and German locales.

Workaround: Refer to the CDE User's Guide on for readable graphics.

Documents Affected: AnswerBook2 Help Collection

The AnswerBook2 software has been upgraded to Version 1.4.3, but the documentation still refers to Version 1.4.2. Aside from the number issue, the documentation is correct.

Document Affected: "Full Backup Commands" in Solaris 8 (SPARC Platform Edition) Installation Guide

The commands in Table 3-3 in "Full Backup Commands" in Solaris 8 (SPARC Platform Edition) Installation Guide are incorrect. They should read as follows:

Table 5-1 Backup Commands

To make a full backup on a 

Use this command 

Local cartridge tape drive 

ufsdump 9ucf /dev/rmt/n files_to_backup

Remote cartridge tape drive 

ufsdump 0ucf remote_host:/dev/rmt/n files_to_backup

Document Affected: "IPv6 Header Format" in System Administration Guide, Volume 3

The 4-bit Priority field description reflects RFC 1883, which has been obsoleted by RFC 2460 (Solaris 8 implements RFC 2460). Consequently, the Priority field has been replaced by an 8-bit Traffic Class field. The IPv6 Header Format figure should identify the Traffic Class field in place of the Priority field. The Priority bullet on this page should also be replaced by the following Traffic Class description:

This new value also reduces the number of bits allocated to the "Flow Label" field to 20 bits.

Document Affected: "Priority Values" in System Administration Guide, Volume 3

The 4-bit Priority field description reflects RFC 1883, which has been obsoleted by RFC 2460 (Solaris 8 implements RFC 2460). Consequently, the Priority field has been replaced by the 8-bit Traffic Class field. The Priority section should be replaced by the following Traffic Classes section.

Traffic Classes

Originating nodes and forwarding routers can use the 8-bit Traffic Class field in the IPv6 header to identify and distinguish between different classes or priorities of IPv6 packets.

The following general requirements apply to the Traffic Class field.

Document Affected: "Implementing IPsec" in System Administration Guide, Volume 3

Step 10c in this procedure incorrectly omits the addition of the up parameter required in the line added to the /etc/hostname.ip.tun0 file. Consequently, the up parameter must be added at the end of the line entry in this step.

Document Affected: "NFS Parameters for the nfs Module" in System Administration Guide, Volume 3 (4299091)

Several corrections apply to this section:

Document Affected: "NFS Parameters for the nfs Module" in System Administration Guide, Volume 3 (4299091)

Document Affected: "NFS Parameters for rpcsec Parameters" in System Administration Guide, Volume 3 (4299091)

For the authdes_cachesz symbol:

Document Affected: "Mobile IP Mobility Agent Status" and "Displaying Mobility Agent Status" in Mobile IP Administration Guide

Current statement:

Use the mipagentstat(1M) command's -b option to display the home agent's binding table.

Should read as follows:

Use the mipagentstat(1M) command's -h option to display the home agent's binding table.

Document Affected: "Managing Mobile IP" and "Deploying Mobile IP" in Mobile IP Administration Guide

The Address Section in the Mobile IP configuration file has a parameter named Default-Node. This parameter name is incorrect. Node-Default is the correct parameter name.

Document Affected: "To Create a Boot Server on a Subnet" in "Creating an Install Server and a Boot Server" in Solaris 8 Advanced Installation Guide (4327931)

The instructions to create a boot server over a subnet incorrectly direct you to use the Solaris 8 Software 2 of 2 CD and the Solaris 8 Languages CD. If you follow these instructions, the following error message is displayed.

An existing install server cannot be found at /image_name.
  This tool can only add packages to an install server that already exists.

When following the instructions "To Create a Boot Server on a Subnet" in the"Creating an Install Server and a Boot Server" in Solaris 8 Advanced Installation Guide, skip Steps 6 through 15.