Solaris 8 (Intel Platform Edition) 1/01 Release Notes Update

Cannot Create a Diskless Client on a Multi-Homed Server Using smdiskless (4390236)

When mounting a diskless client on a multi-homed server, mount the client on a network interface that is on the same subnet as the diskless client. By default, a diskless client mounts its file systems using the OS server's local host interface.

On a multi-homed server, each network interface has a host name and an Internet Protocol (IP) address. To determine the host name of the local host interface, type uname -n on the server.

Use the -D type/host_name/domain_name option to specify the management domain, where:

If you do not specify the -D option, SMC assumes the file domain on the local server.

Use the -o host_name option to specify the name of the OS server, when the name service server and the OS server are not the same machine. If you do not specify this option, smdiskless assumes that the OS server is the same as that specified with the -D option.

For more information, see smdiskless(1M).

Name Server Scope

If the name service server is the same as the multi-homed OS server, the host_name must be equal to the host name returned by typing uname -n on that server. Specify the -o option using the host name of the network interface that is on the the same subnet as the diskless client.

If the name service server is different from the multi-homed OS server, the host_name must be equal to the host name returned by typing uname -n on the name service server. Specify the -o option using the host name of the OS server's network interface that is on the same subnet as the diskless client.

File Scope

If a multi-homed OS server's "local host" interface is on the diskless client's subnet and you do not specify the -D option (file scope is assumed), then smdiskless works correctly.

If a multi-homed OS server is not on the same subnet as the diskless client, you must edit the OS server's and diskless client's database files, as follows:

Note -

All entries must appear on a single line.

  1. Change the following server files:

    diskless_client root=server:/export/root/diskless_client \
                      swap=server:/export/swap/diskless_client swapsize=:32 \
                      dump=server:/export/dump/diskless_client dumpsize=:32 \

    where server = Host name of OS server, net_interface = Host name of network interface on diskless client's subnet, and diskless_client = Host name of diskless client

    Note -

    "dump" and "dumpsize" appear only if you specify the "-x dump" or "-x dumpsize" options.

    To the following:

    diskless_client root=net_interface:/export/root/diskless_client \
               swap=net_interface:/export/swap/diskless_client swapsize=:32 \
               dump=net_interface:/export/dump/diskless_client dumpsize=:32 \

    Note -

    The net_interface host name and its IP address must appear in /etc/hosts.

  2. Restart in.rarpd and rpc.bootparamd on the server. Use in.rarpd -a or start the rarpd daemon on the network interface used by the diskless client.

  3. Change the following client files:

         server :/export/root/diskless_client - / nfs - - rw
         server :/export/swap/diskless_client - /dev/swap nfs - - -
         server :/export/exec/Solaris_8_sparc.all/usr - /usr nfs - -ro

    To the following:

    net_interface:/export/root/diskless_client - / nfs - - rw
         net_interface:/export/swap/diskless_client - /dev/swap nfs - - -
         net_interface:/export/exec/Solaris_8_sparc.all/usr - /usr nfs - -ro