Sun WBEM SDK Developer's Guide

Managed Object Format

MOF is the standard language used to define elements of the Common Information Model (CIM). The MOF language specifies a syntax for defining CIM classes and instances. MOF provides developers and administrators with a simple and fast technique for modifying the CIM Repository. For more information about MOF, see the DMTF web page at

Because MOF can be converted to Java, an application developed in MOF can be run on any system or in any environment that supports Java.

The MOF Syntax

Programmers can use the CIM API to represent CIM objects, developed in MOF, as Java classes. The CIM Object Manager checks and enforces that these CIM objects comply with the CIM 2.1 Specification. In some cases, it is possible to represent something syntactically correct in a MOF file that does not adhere to the CIM specification. The CIM Object Manager returns an error message when such a MOF file is compiled.

For example, if you specify scope in the qualifier definition in a MOF file, CIM Object Manager returns a compilation error because scope can only be specified in the definition of a CIM Qualifier Type. A CIM Qualifier cannot change the scope that was specified in the CIM Qualifier Type.

Schema MOF Files

The installation of Solaris WBEM Services puts MOF files that form the CIM Schema and the Solaris Schema in the directory /usr/sadm/mof. These files are automatically compiled and run when the CIM Object Manager starts.

The CIM Schema files, denoted by CIM in the file name, form standard CIM objects. For an explanation of the parts that make up the CIM Schema, see version 2.1 of the CIM Specification, which can be obtained at

The Solaris Schema describes Solaris objects by extending the standard CIM Schema. The MOF files that make up the Solaris Schema use the Solaris prefix in the file names, but otherwise follow the same file name conventions as the CIM Schema MOF files. You can view the MOF files that make up the Solaris Schema in a text editor of your choice.