Sun WBEM SDK Developer's Guide

The WHERE Clause

You can use the WHERE clause to narrow the scope of a query. The WHERE clause can contain a property or key word, an operator, and a constant. All WHERE clauses must specify one of the predefined WQL operators.

The basic syntax for appending the WHERE clause to the SELECT statement is:

SELECT instance FROM class WHERE expression

The expression is composed of a property or key word, an operator, and a constant. You can append the WHERE clause to the SELECT statement using one of the following forms:

SELECT instance FROM class [[WHERE property operator constant]]

SELECT instance FROM class [[WHERE constant operator property]]

Valid WHERE clauses follow these rules:

Multiple groups of properties, operators, and constants can be combined in a WHERE clause using logical operators and parenthetical expressions. Each group must be joined with the AND, OR, or NOT operators as shown in the following table.

Table 4–6 Queries Using Logical Operators

Example Query 


SELECT * FROM Solaris_FileSystem WHERE Name= "home" OR Name= "files" 

Retrieves all instances of the Solaris_FileSystem class with the Name property set to either home or files.

SELECT * FROM Solaris_FileSystem WHERE (Name = “home” OR Name = “files”) AND AvailableSpace > 2000000 AND FileSystem = “Solaris” 

Retrieves disks named home and files only if they have a certain amount of available space remaining and have Solaris file systems.