Sun WBEM SDK Developer's Guide

The Association Methods

The following methods in the CIMClient class return information about associations (relationships) between classes and instances:

Table 4–7 The CIMClient Association Methods




Gets the CIM classes or instances that are associated with the specified CIM class or instance. 


Gets the names of the CIM classes or instances that are associated with the specified CIM class or instance. 


Gets the associations that refer to the specified CIM class or instance. 


Gets the names of the associations that refer to the specified CIM class or instance. 

Specifying the Source Class or Instance

The association methods each take one required argument, CIMObjectPath, which is the name of a source CIM class or CIM instance whose associations or associated classes or instances you want to return. If the CIM Object Manager finds no associations or associated classes or instances, it returns nothing.

If the CIMObjectpath is a class, the association methods return the associated classes and the subclasses of each associated class. If the CIMObjectpath is an instance, the methods return the associated instances and the class from which each instance is derived.

Using the Model Path to Specify an Instance

To specify the name of an instance or class, you must specify its model path. The model path for a class includes the namespace and class name. The model path for an instance uniquely identifies a particular managed resource. The model path for an instance includes the namespace, class name, and keys. A key is a property or set of properties used to uniquely identify managed resource. Key properties are marked with the KEY qualifier.

The model path \\myserver\\Root\cimv2\Solaris_ComputerSystem.Name=mycomputer: CreationClassName=Solaris_ComputerSystem has three parts:

Using the APIs to Specify an Instance

In practice, you will usually use the enumInstances method to return all instances of a given class. Then, use a loop structure to iterate through the instances In the loop, you can pass each instance to an association method. The code segment in the following example does the following:

  1. Enumerates the instances in the current class (op) and the subclasses of the current class.

  2. Uses a While loop to cast each instance to a CIMObjectPath (op),

  3. Passes each instance as the first argument to the associators method.

This code example passes null or false values for all other parameters.

Example 4–16 Passing Instances to the associators Method

    Enumeration e = cc.enumInstances(op, true);
    while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
        op = (CIMObjectPath)e.nextElement();
        Enumeration e1 = cc.associators(op, null, null, 
                null, null, false, false, null);

Using Optional Arguments to Filter Returned Classes and Instances

The association methods also take the following optional arguments, which filter the classes and instances that are returned. Each optional parameter value passes its results to the next parameter for filtering until all arguments have been processed.

You can pass values for any one or a combination of the optional arguments. You must enter a value for each parameter. The assocClass, resultClass, role, and resultRole arguments filter the classes and instances that are returned. Only the classes and instances that match the values specified for these parameters are returned. The includeQualifiers, includeClassOrigin, and propertyList arguments filter the information that is included in the classes and instances that are returned.

The following table lists the optional arguments to the association methods:

Table 4–8 Optional Arguments to the Association Methods







Returns target objects that participate in this type of association with the source CIM class or instance. If Null, does not filter returned objects by association. 

Valid CIM association class name or Null. 



Returns target objects that are instances of the resultClass or one of its subclasses, or objects that match the resultClass or one of its subclasses.

Valid name of a CIM class or Null. 



Specifies the role played by the source CIM class or instance in the association. Returns the target objects of associations in which the source object plays this role. 

Valid property name or Null. 



Returns target objects that play the specified role in the association. 

Valid property name or Null. 



If true, returns all qualifiers for each target object (qualifiers on the object and any returned properties). If false, returns no qualifiers. 

True or False. 



If true, includes the CLASSORIGIN attribute in all appropriate elements in each returned object. If false, excludes CLASSORIGIN attributes. 

True or False. 


String array 

Returns objects that include only elements for properties on this list. If an empty array, no properties are included in each returned object. If NULL, all properties are included in each returned object. Invalid property names are ignored.  

If you specify a property list, you must specify a non-Null value for resultClass.

An array of valid property names. an empty array, or Null.