Sun WBEM SDK Developer's Guide

Value Type Dialog Boxes

When you create new properties for a class or set input parameters for a method, you can use any of the dialog boxes that CIM WorkShop provides for specifying values of a particular type. These dialog boxes are configured to accept only a value of the appropriate type. The dialog boxes include the following:

Real Integer Dialog Box

The Values field of this dialog box accepts only a real integer. A real integer can be a negative or positive number including a decimal point. When you create a property that is of the type Real Integer, type a real integer in the Values field of this dialog box.

Signed Integer Dialog Box

The Values field of this dialog box accepts only a signed integer of a specified size. A signed integer can be a negative or positive whole number. CIM properties that have values which are signed integers can be 8 bits, 16 bits, 32 bits, or 64 bits in size. Depending on the size of the signed integer that makes up the value of the property, type the following in the Values field of this dialog box:

Unsigned Integer Dialog Box

The Values field of this dialog box accepts only an unsigned integer of a specified size. An unsigned integer can be only a positive whole number. CIM properties that have values which are unsigned integers can be 8 bits, 16 bits, 32 bits, or 64 bits in size. Depending on the size of the unsigned integer that makes up the value of the property, type the following in the Values field of this dialog box:

String Dialog Box

The Values field of this dialog box accepts alphanumeric characters. When you specify the value of a property that is a character string, you must enter a character string, such as Processor_Type, in the Values field of this dialog box. Character strings may not contain integers.

Array Dialog Boxes

In the Array dialog boxes, you can specify an array as a value for a property. The following array dialog boxes are available to return arrays:

Boolean Dialog Box

In the Boolean dialog box, you can specify True or False as the value of a selected property.

Date/Time Dialog Box

The DateTime dialog box enables you to set the date and time value as specified in the CIM Specification for a new property or method. The DateTime dialog box is displayed from:

A Set Value dialog box is displayed. Click Add in the Set Value dialog box to display the Date/Time dialog box.

In the fields of the DateTime dialog box, type the date and time value in the following manner:

For example, Monday June 7, 1999 at 1:30:15 PM EST would be represented as: 19990607133015.000000-300