Solaris 8 (SPARC 平台版) 1/01 版次注意事項更新

受影響的文件: System Administration Guide, Volume 3 中的 "Priority Values"

4 位元「優先欄位」說明用來表示 RFC 1883,但是 RFC 1883 已不被 RFC 2460 採用 (Solaris 8 應用 RFC 2460)。因此,「優先欄位」已由 8 位元的「通訊類別」欄位所取代。優先區段也應該用以下的「通訊類別」區段取代。

Traffic Class

Originating nodes and forwarding routers can use the 8-bit Traffic Class field in the IPv6 header to identify and distinguish between different classes or priorities of IPv6 packets.

The following general requirements apply to the Traffic Class field.