Sun Fire 880 Dynamic Reconfiguration User's Guide

About Hot-Plug Operations and Dynamic Reconfiguration

Hot-plug operations for PCI cards involve Dynamic Reconfiguration (DR). Dynamic Reconfiguration is an operating environment feature that enables you to reconfigure system hardware while the system is running. Using DR, you can add or replace hardware resources with little or no interruption of normal system operations.

PCI hot-plug procedures may involve software commands for preparing the system prior to removing a device, and for reconfiguring the operating environment after installing a new device. In addition, certain other system requirements must be met in order for hot-plug operations to succeed. For details, see "About Dynamic Reconfiguration Requirements".

For detailed PCI hot-plug procedures, see Chapter 2, Using Dynamic Reconfiguration.

Note -

You can hot-plug any off-the-shelf PCI card that is compliant with the PCI 2.2 specification, provided a suitable software driver exists for the Solaris Operating Environment, and the driver supports hot-plugging.