Solaris 8 Installation Supplement

Web Start Flash Archive Sections

Web Start Flash archives contain at least three sections. The sections are comprised of both archive identification information and the actual files that were copied from the master machine to be installed onto the Clone system.

  1. Archive Cookie Section – The first section of a Web Start Flash archive contains a cookie that identifies the file as a Web Start Flash archive. The cookie must be present for an archive to be valid.

  2. Archive Identification Section – The second section contains keywords with values that provide identification information about the archive.

  3. User–Defined Sections – Following the Archive Identification Section you can define and insert sections. The Web Start Flash archive does not process any sections that you insert. User-defined sections must be line-oriented and terminated with newline (ASCII 0x0a) characters. The length of individual lines has no limit. If you include binary data in a user-defined section, you must encode it by using base64 or a similar algorithm.

    The name for user-defined sections must begin with “X” and can contain any characters other than linefeeds, equal signs, null characters, and forward slashes (/). For example, X-department is a valid user-defined section name.

  4. Archive Files Section – The Archive Files Section contains the files saved from the master system.