Solaris 8 Installation Supplement

Identification Section Keywords

This section describes the keywords for use in the Archive Identification section and the values you can define for them.

The following table explains keywords that describe the archive.

Table 9–2 Identification Section Keywords


Value Definitions 

content_name (required)

The Web Start Flash archive deployment utilities use the value of the content_name keyword to identify the archive. The value can be no longer than 256 characters.

You might want the value of the content_name keyword to describe the functionality and purpose of the archive because the content_name value might be presented to the user during the archive selection and extraction processes.


The value of the creation_date keyword is a textual timestamp that represents the time that you created the archive. The value must be in the format YYYYMMDDhhmmss. For example, 20000131221409, represents January 31st, 2000 10:14:09p.m. If you do not specify a creation date, the default date is set in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).


The value of the creation_master keyword is the name of the master machine you used to create the archive. If you do not specify a value for creation_master, flarcreate uses the machine name reported by uname -n.


You define the value of the content_type keyword to specify a category for the archive. The Web Start Flash archive deployment utilities display the value of the content_type keyword during deployment.


You define the value of the content_description keyword to provide a description of the contents of the archive. The value of this keyword has no length limit.


You define the value of the content_author keyword to identify the creator of the archive. Suggested values include the full name of the creator and the creator's email address.


The value of the content_architectures keyword is a comma-delimited list of the kernel architectures that the archive supports. When you create a Web Start Flash archive, the archive generates the value of the content_architectures keyword.

If the archive contains this keyword, the Web Start Flash archive deployment utilities validate the kernel architecture of the clone machine against the list of architectures that the archive supports. The deployment fails if the archive does not support the kernel architecture of the clone machine. If the keyword is not present, the deployment utilities do not validate the architecture of the clone machine. 

In addition to the keywords that are defined by the Web Start Flash archive, you can define keywords. The Web Start Flash archive ignores user-defined keywords, but you can provide scripts or programs that process the identification section and use user-defined keywords. The name of a user-defined keyword must begin with “X” and can contain any characters other than linefeeds, equal signs, and null characters. For example, X-department is a valid name for a user-defined keyword.