Solaris 8 System Administration Supplement

New ClientPortOptions Option

The new ClientPortOptions option is for outgoing connections and is similar to the DaemonPortOptions option. This option sets the client SMTP options, which are a sequence of key=value pairs. To declare this option, use one of the following syntaxes. (For formatting purposes the example includes two pairs. However, you can apply one or more pairs.

O ClientPortOptions=pair,pair              # for the configuration file
-OClientPortOptions=pair,pair              # for the command line
define(`confCLIENT_OPTIONS',`pair,pair')   # note the revised name 
                                         # for m4 configuration

The following table describes the new keys for this option.

Table 21–4 New Keys for ClientPortOptions




Specifies the address mask. The value can be a numeric address in dot notation or a network name. If the pair is omitted, the default is INADDR_ANY, which allows connections from any network.


Specifies the address family. The key's default is inet for AF_INET. Other values are inet6 for AF_INET6, iso for AF_ISO, ns for AF_NS, and x.25 for AF_CCITT.


Specifies the size of the listen queue. The key defaults to 10. No changes should be necessary for the Solaris operating environment. 


Specifies the name and number of the listening port. The key defaults to smtp.


Specifies the size of the TCP/IP send buffer. The key has no default value, which means that no size specifications are automatically made. If the option is set to a value greater than zero, then that value is used. You should not need to limit the size of this buffer for the Solaris operating environment. 


Specifies flags for sendmail. The flag, h, uses the name that corresponds to the outgoing interface address for the HELO or EHLO commands, whether it was chosen by the connection parameter or by the default.