Solaris Smart Cards Administration Guide

Managing Smart Cards From the SmartCard Console

The following sections describe how to use the SmartCard Console.

Using the SmartCard Console

The SmartCard Console is the graphical user interface (GUI) used to manage the Solaris Smart Cards software. It has three panes for activating tasks and viewing information:

Dialog Boxes

Each task has one or more associated dialog boxes that appear when you double-click an icon on the Console pane. A dialog box contains information for you to view, modify, or delete, as needed. Some dialog boxes have two or more folder tabs that you access by clicking the tab.

Most dialog boxes have four buttons:

Using the Online Help System

The help system included with the SmartCard Console contains the following components:

The SmartCard Console help system does not contain conceptual information about smart cards. Instead, refer to this guide for descriptions of how smart cards work, details about authentication types, and other conceptual information.

Exiting the SmartCard Console

You can exit the SmartCard Console at any time by choosing Exit from the Console menu. Any changes you made during the session are saved.

Starting the SmartCard Console

When you install the Solaris 8 software, you automatically install the SmartCard Console. You can start the SmartCard Console either by accessing it from your Solaris desktop or from the command line.

How to Start the SmartCard Console (CDE)

This procedure describes how to start the SmartCard Console from CDE's Application Manager.

You can also start the SmartCard Console from CDE's Workspace menu by selecting Tools, and then SmartCard.

  1. Log in as superuser to the Common Desktop Environment (CDE).

    If you are currently running CDE under your login name, exit CDE and log in as superuser.

  2. From the desktop menu bar, click the up arrow for the Applications icon.

  3. Choose Applications to access the Application Manager.

  4. Double-click the System_Admin icon to access the Smart Card icon.

  5. Double-click the Smart Card icon to start the SmartCard Console.

How to Start the SmartCard Console (Command Line)

  1. Log in as superuser on the command line.

  2. Start the SmartCard Console:

    # /usr/dt/bin/sdtsmartcardadmin &