Solaris Smart Cards Administration Guide

Adding or Changing the ATR on a Smart Card

The answer-to-reset (ATR) property contains numeric values that identify the smart card version. Smart card manufacturers supply the ATR property.

Supported smart cards have the following ATR property values:

PayFlex.ATR      = 3B6900005792020101000100A9 
IButton.ATR      = 008F0E0000000000000000000004000034909000
CyberFlex.ATR    = 3B169481100601810F 3B169481100601811F

You identify the ATR on the smart card to the OCF server when you first set up smart cards.

You need to change the answer-to-reset property (ATR) on a system if the manufacturer of the smart card used by your site issues a new card type with a different ATR. Change this property on every system that needs to accept the new card.

You might also need to add an ATR if you are loading an applet from the SmartCard Console and the following message is displayed:

No compatible devices inserted

See "How to Add or Change the ATR on a Smart Card (Console)" for step-by-step instructions on adding or changing the ATR on a new smart card.