Solaris Smart Cards Administration Guide

Adding a Card Reader (Command Line)

You add a card reader by using the smartcard -c admin command with the following syntax:

smartcard -c admin -t terminal -j card_terminal_factory_name -x add -d device_pathname -r user_friendly_reader_name -n card_reader_model

-c admin

Indicates that you are viewing or modifying OCF properties. 

-t terminal

Indicates that you are about to configure a card reader. 

-j card_terminal_factory_name

Defines the card terminal factory name of the card reader type. See the specific Card Terminal Factory Name in the procedures below. 

-x add

Indicates that you want to add a card reader. 

-d device_pathname

Specifies the device port where you have plugged in the card reader. 

-r user_friendly_reader_name

Specifies a unique name for the reader. 

-n reader_model_name

Designates the model name of the card reader. See the specific card reader model name in the procedures below. 

Refer to the smartcard(1M) man page for more information.