Solaris Smart Cards Administration Guide

How to Add a Sun SCRI Internal Card Reader 1 (Command Line)

  1. Become superuser on the system where you are attaching the card reader.

  2. Add the Sun SCRI Internal Card Reader 1 by typing the following command on one line. For example:

    # smartcard -c admin -t terminal 
    -j com.sun.opencard.terminal.scm.SCMI2c.SCMI2cCardTerminalFactory 
    -x add -d /dev/scmi2c1 -r MyInternalReader -n SunISCRI

    -c admin

    Indicates that you are viewing or modifying OCF properties. 

    -t terminal

    Indicates you are configuring a card reader. 

    -j com.sun.opencard.terminal.scm.SCMI2c.SCMI2cCardTerminalFactory

    Is the card terminal factory name of the Sun SCRI Internal Card Reader 1. 

    Be careful to type the card terminal factory name following -j option exactly as shown in the procedure above, with no spaces or returns between characters.

    -x add

    Indicates that you want to add a card reader. 

    -d /dev/scmi2c1

    Defines the device port where the card reader is attached. For example, /dev/scmi2cn, where n in scmi2cn is the nth SunISCRI reader on the system.

    -r MyInternalReader

    Specifies a unique name for the SCRI Internal Card Reader 1. 

    -n SunISCRI

    Indicates the model name for the SCRI Internal Card Reader 1. 

  3. Stop ocfserv.

    # pkill ocfserv

    The ocfserv process is restarted the next time you use the SmartCard Console or the smartcard command.