Solaris Smart Cards Administration Guide

How the Application Property Works

The application property on the smart card works in tandem with the other authentication properties. For example, suppose you initialized a smart card for user Frank with the following information:

The preceding information would be entered on the command line, as follows:

# smartcard -c init -A A000000062030400 -P `$$$$java' application=dtlogin
user=frank password=changeme

When Frank inserts his card into the reader and tries to log in to the desktop (dtlogin), ocfserv reads the card to check if any authentication properties are associated with dtlogin. The ocfserv server finds that the user and password properties are associated with dtlogin.

The ocfserv server prompts Frank for his PIN, and the typed PIN is compared with the PIN stored on the smart card assigned to the dtlogin application. Also, ocfserv uses the login name and password on Frank's card, along with the passwords in the system`s password database, to verify that Frank is whom he claims to be. If these properties match, Frank is logged in to the desktop.