Solaris Smart Cards Administration Guide

How to Set Up the Default Authentication Mechanism for the Server and Client Applications (Command Line)

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Set the default authentication mechanism for all client applications.

    # smartcard -c admin -a default -x modify authmechanism="Pin | Password |

    For example, if you want the default authentication mechanism for client programs to be PIN Password, type:

    # smartcard -c admin -a default -x modify authmechanism="Pin Password"

    Thereafter, when you type smartcard -c admin, you see the following default authentication mechanisms:

    default.authmechanism     = Pin Password
  3. Set the default authentication mechanism for the server.

    # smartcard -c admin -x modify authmechanism="Pin | Password |

    For example, if you want the default authentication mechanism for ocfserv to be PIN Password, type:

    # smartcard -c admin -x modify authmechanism="Pin Password"

    Note -

    If the client and server authentication sequences are not the same, the client authentication sequence takes precedence over the server authentication sequence.