Solaris 8 Advanced Installation Guide

Installing Web Start Flash Archives With a Custom JumpStart Installation

This section provides the procedure for using the custom JumpStart installation method to install Web Start Flash archives that are stored on the following:

To Install a Web Start Flash Archive With a Custom JumpStart Installation

  1. On the install server, create the custom JumpStart rules file.

    For detailed instructions about creating custom JumpStart files, refer to Chapter 18, Preparing Custom JumpStart Installations.

  2. On the install server, create the custom JumpStart profile file.

    1. Set the value of the keyword install_type as flash_install.

    2. Add the path to the Web Start Flash archive by using the new archive_location keyword.

      For details about the archive_location keyword, refer to archive_location Keyword.

    3. Specify the file system configuration.

      The Web Start Flash archive extraction process does not support auto-layout of partitions.

    4. (Optional) If you want to install layered Web Start Flash archives on the clone system, add one archive_location line for each archive that you want to install.

    Note –

    From the existing list of custom JumpStart keywords in Chapter 18, Preparing Custom JumpStart Installations, the only keywords valid when you install a Web Start Flash archive are:

    • fdisk (IA only)

    • filesys – You cannot set the filesys keyword to the value auto.

    • install_type (required)

    • partitioning – You can only set the partitioning keyword to the values explicit or existing.

  3. On the install server, add the clients that you are installing with the Web Start Flash archive.

    For detailed instructions, refer to Adding Systems to Be Installed From the Network.

  4. Perform the custom JumpStart installation on the clone systems.

    For detailed instructions, refer to Chapter 21, Performing a Custom JumpStart Installation.

archive_location Keyword

When you use the custom JumpStart installation method to install a Web Start Flash archive, you must include a new custom JumpStart keyword in the profile file. The new keyword is archive_location and the syntax for the keyword is:

archive_location retrieval_type location

The values of retrieval_type and location depend on where the Web Start Flash archive is stored. The following sections contain the values you can use for retrieval_type and location and examples of how to use the archive_location keyword.

NFS Server

If the archive is stored on an NFS server, use the following syntax for the archive_location keyword.

archive_location nfs server_name:/path/filename retry n

In this command line:


archive_location nfs golden:/archives/usrarchive


archive_location nfs://golden/archives/usrarchive

HTTP Server

If the archive is stored on an HTTP server, use the following syntax for the archive_location keyword.

archive_location http server_name:port path/filename optional_keywords

In this command line:


archive_location http silver /archives/usrarchive auth basic user1 secret timeout 5 


archive_location http://user1:secret@silver/archives/usrarchive timeout 5 

Local Tape

If the archive is stored on a tape, use the following syntax for the archive_location keyword.

archive_location local_tape device  position

In this command line:


archive_location local_tape /dev/rmt/0n 5


archive_location local_tape 0n 5

Local Device

You can retrieve a Web Start Flash archive from a local device if you stored the Web Start Flash archive on a file system-oriented, random-access device, such as a diskette or a CD-ROM. Use the following syntax for the archive_location keyword.

Note –

You can retrieve an archive from stream-oriented devices, such as tape, by using the syntax for local tape.

archive_location local_device device path/filename file_system_type

In this command line:


To retrieve an archive from a local hard drive that is formatted as a UFS file system:

archive_location local_device c0t0d0s0 /archives/$HOST

To retrieve an archive from a local CD-ROM that has an HSFS file system:

archive_location local_device c0t0d0s0 /archives/usrarchive

Local File

You can retrieve an archive that you stored in the miniroot from which you booted the clone system as a local file. When you perform a custom JumpStart installation, you boot the system from a CD-ROM or an NFS-based miniroot. The installation software is loaded and run from this miniroot. Therefore, a Web Start Flash archive that you stored in the CD-ROM or NFS-based miniroot is accessible as a local file. Use the following syntax for the archive_location keyword.

archive_location local_file path/filename 

In this command line:


archive_location local_file /archives/usrarchive


archive_location local_file:/archives/usrarchive