Solaris 8 Advanced Installation Guide

SPARC: Using the Solaris Web Start Program to Install or Upgrade From a Remote CD-ROM

If you want to install the Solaris operating environment on a machine or domain that does not have a directly attached CD-ROM drive, you can use a CD-ROM drive attached to another machine. Both machines must be connected to the same subnet. Use the following instructions to complete the installation.

To Install or Upgrade From a Remote CD-ROM

  1. Identify a system that is running the Solaris operating environment and has a CD-ROM drive.

    In these commands, this system is identified as host1.

  2. On the system with the CD-ROM drive, insert the Solaris 8 Installation CD in the CD-ROM drive.

    The Volume Manager mounts the CD.

  3. Export the Solaris 8 Installation CD.

    host1# share -F nfs -o ro,anon=0 /cdrom/cdrom0/s0

    In this command, host1 is the name of the machine that has the CD-ROM drive.

  4. Change directories to the CD.

    host1# cd /cdrom/en_icd_sol_release_platform/s0

    In this command, release is the software release, for example, 8_401 for the Solaris 8 4/01 release, and platform is sparc or ia.

  5. Add the machine that you want to install as a client of the machine that has the CD-ROM drive.

    host1# ./add_install_client -s host1:/cdrom/cdrom0/s0 host2 arch

    In this command, host2 is the name of the machine you want to install and arch is the platform group of the machine you want to install, for example sun4u. On the system that you want to install, find the platform group by using the uname -m command.

  6. Boot the machine that you want to install.

    ok boot net

    The Solaris Web Start installation begins and prompts you to type system configuration information.

  7. Type system configuration information.

    The machine reboots and the Solaris installation program begins. After the Welcome panel, the Specify Media panel appears with Network File System selected.

  8. On the Specify Media panel, click Next.

    The Specify Network File System Path panel appears and the text field contains the installation path.


  9. On the machine where the CD is mounted, change directories to root.

    host1# cd /
  10. Unshare the Solaris 8 Installation CD.

    host1# unshare /cdrom/en_icd_sol_release_platform/s0
    host1# unshare /cdrom/en_icd_sol_release_platform/s1

    In this command, release is the software release, for example 8_401 for the Solaris 8 4/01 release and platform is sparc or ia.

  11. Eject the Solaris 8 Installation CD.

    host1# eject cdrom
  12. Insert the Solaris 8 Software 1 of 2 in the CD-ROM drive.

  13. Export the Solaris 8 Software 1 of 2 CD.

    host1# share -F nfs -o ro,anon=0 /cdrom/cdrom0/s0
  14. On the machine that you are installing, continue the Solaris installation by clicking Next.

  15. If the Solaris Web Start program prompts you to insert the Solaris 8 Software 2 of 2 CD, repeat Step 10 through Step 14 to unshare the Solaris 8 Software 1 of 2 CD and to export and install the Solaris 8 Software 2 of 2 CD.

  16. If the Solaris Web Start program prompts you to insert the Solaris 8 Languages CD, repeat Step 10 through Step 14 to unshare the Solaris 8 Software 2 of 2 CD and to export and install the Solaris 8 Languages CD.

    When you export the Solaris 8 Languages CD, an installer window appears on the machine where the CD-ROM is mounted. Ignore the installer window while you install the Solaris 8 Languages CD. After you complete the installation of the Solaris 8 Languages CD, close the installer window.