Solaris 8 Advanced Installation Guide

Mounting Remote File Systems and Adding and Deleting Packages

# profile keywords        profile values
# -----------------       -----------------
  install_type            initial_install  [This profile keyword is required in every profile.] 
  system_type             standalone  [This profile keyword defines that the system is to be installed
as a standalone system.] 
  partitioning            default  [The file system slices are determined by the software to be installed
(default value); however, the size of swap is set to 60 Mbytes and is installed on any disk (any value). The standard and OpenWindows man pages are mounted from
the file server, s_ref, on the network.] 
  filesys                 any 60 swap   # specify size of /swap
  filesys                 s_ref:/usr/share/man - /usr/share/man ro
  filesys                 s_ref:/usr/openwin/share/man - 
                                /usr/openwin/share/man ro,quota
  cluster                 SUNWCprog  [The Developer System Support software group (SUNWCprog) is installed on the system.] 
  package                 SUNWman delete  [Because the man pages are being mounted remotely, those
packages are not to be installed on the system; however,
the packages containing the OPEN LOOK and X Window System demonstration programs
and images are selected to be installed on the system.] 
  package                 SUNWolman delete
  package                 SUNWxwman delete
  package                 SUNWoldem add
  package                 SUNWxwdem add
  package                 SUNWoldim add
  package                 SUNWxwdim add