Solaris Live Upgrade 2.0 Guide

To Create a Boot Environment and Merge File Systems (Command-Line Interface)

  1. Log in as superuser.

  2. Type:

    # lucreate  -m mountpoint:device:fs_type \
    -m mountpoint:device:fs_type -m mountpoint:merged:fs_type

    -m mountpoint:device:fs_type

    Specifies the vfstab information for the new boot environment. The file systems that are specified as arguments to -m can be on the same disk or they can be spread across multiple disks.

    • mountpoint can be any valid mount point or (hyphen), indicating a swap.

    • device field can be one of the following:

      • The name of a disk device, of the form /dev/dsk/cnumtnumdnumsnum.

      • The keyword merged, indicating that the file system at the specified mount point is to be merged with its parent.

    • fs_type field can be one of the following:

      • vxfs, which indicates a Veritas file system

      • swap, which indicates a swap file system

      • ufs, which indicates a UFS file system

    Example 3–2 Creating a Boot Environment and Merge File Systems (Command-Line Interface)

    In this example, the /usr/opt file system is combined with its parent file system /usr.

    # lucreate -m /:/dev/dsk/c0t4d0s0:ufs -m /usr:/dev/dsk/c0t4d0s1:ufs \
    -m /usr/opt:merged:ufs

    When creation of the new boot environment is complete, it can be upgraded and activated (made bootable).