Solaris Live Upgrade 2.0 Guide

x86: (Optional) Update Boot Diskette Before Activating

If you're not using the Solaris 8 Device Configuration Assistant Intel Platform Edition diskette to boot the system, you can skip this procedure. If you use the Device Configuration Assistant to boot, you need to update the boot diskette. This procedure matches a boot diskette to your release by overwriting the existing diskette or writing to a new one.

  1. Insert the diskette. This is either the existing diskette that is overwirtten or a new diskette.

  2. Update the boot diskette with the latest image for this release.

  3. Eject the boot diskette.

  4. Type:

  5. Copy the new boot environment's boot/solaris/bootenv.rc file to the diskette.

    cp /a/boot/solaris/bootenv.rc /floppy/floppy0/solaris/bootenv.rc
  6. Check the input-device and output-device on the diskette to make sure they are correct. If not then update them.

    You are ready to activate the new boot environment.