Linker and Libraries Guide

Dynamic String Tokens

The runtime linker will replace the following string token when used in a runpath (DT_RUNPATH or DT_RPATH), filter (DT_FILTER), or auxiliary filter (DT_AUXILIARY):


Expands to the native instruction sets (see isalist(1)) executable on this platform. A pathname containing this token is replicated for each instruction set available. See "Instruction Set Specific Shared Objects".

The runtime linker will replace the following string tokens when used in the paths specified above or in dependency (DT_NEEDED) entries:


Provides the directory the object was loaded from; typical use is for locating dependencies in unbundled packages. See "Locating Associated Dependencies".


Expands to the name of the operating system (see uname(1) -s). See "System Specific Shared Objects".


Expands to the operating system release level (see uname(1) -r). See "System Specific Shared Objects".


Expands to the current processor type (see uname(1) -i) of the current machine. See "System Specific Shared Objects".

Note -

$PLATFORM was added in Solaris2.5, but prior to Solaris2.6 was only available for expressing auxiliary filters (DT_AUXILIARY), see "Generating an Auxiliary Filter".