Solaris 8 2/02 What's New Supplement


Feature Description 

Release Date 

Sun RPC Library Extensions

The RPC library extensions project extends the Sun ONC+TM RPC library with an asynchronous protocol. Programming interfaces have been added to the Transport Independent Remote Procedure Calls to provide one-way asynchronous messaging and non-blocking I/O.

Sun's Telco Platform users can use the RPC library extensions to help with significant semantic changes to the RPC interface. The extensions are useful to customers who require both synchronous and asynchronous protocols that require a single vendor solution. The library extensions provide a level of functionality and availability that Sun's Network Equipment Provider customers demand. 

Further information is provided in the ONC+ Developer's Guide in the Solaris 9 Software Developer Collection. For instructions on how to access Solaris 9 documentation, see "Early Access" in this document.


Solaris PPP 4.0

Solaris PPP 4.0 enables a system in one location to communicate over telephone lines or leased communications media with a system at a remote location. This implementation of Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) is based on the widely used Australian National University (ANU) PPP, and is entirely new for the Solaris operating environment. PPP 4.0 is easily configured through a set of files. It supports both asynchronous and synchronous communications and offers Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) and Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) authentication. Because Solaris PPP 4.0 is highly configurable, customers can easily tailor PPP to fit their remote communications needs. 

The Solaris 8 10/01 release includes the PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE) addition to Solaris PPP 4.0. PPPoE enables the user to "tunnel" a PPP session over an Ethernet, thus providing a virtual private network. Networks with PPPoE in place can support multiple users who are connecting to a provider over a single DSL device. 

For further information on PPP, see the pppd(1m), chat(1m), and pppstats(1m) man pages.

For further information on PPPoE, see the pppoed(1m), pppoec(1m), sppptun(1m), and snoop(1m) man pages.

Further information is also provided in the System Administration Guide: Resource Management and Network Services in the Solaris 9 System Administration Collection. For instructions on how to access Solaris 9 documentation, see "Early Access" in this document.

For information on licensing terms, refer to the incorporated material at the following locations: 





Updated 10/01 

Solaris Network Cache and Accelerator (NCA)

The Solaris Network Cache and Accelerator (NCA) has been improved with the addition of a sockets interface to NCA through which any web server can communicate with NCA with minimal modifications. Web servers such as Apache, iPlanetTM Web Server, and Zeus are able to make use of NCA performance by using standard socket library functions.

For more information about NCA, see "Solaris Network Cache and Accelerator (NCA)" in the System Administration Guide, Volume 3.


Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND)

Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) version 8.2.2 new functionality includes:

  • Configuration options for in.named - See the conf(4) man page.

  • Extensions to the resolver (3RESOLV) interface that are safe to use in multithreaded applications.

  • The addition of the ndc(1M) command, which is used to start or stop reconfigure in.named, and the dnskeygen(1M) command, which is used to create TSIG and DNSSEC keys.

Further information is provided in "Administering DNS (Tasks)" in the System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services in the Solaris 9 System Administrator Collection. For instructions on how to access Solaris 9 documentation, see "Early Access" in this document.


Enhancements to sendmail

Enhancements to sendmail version 8.10 include new command-line options, new and revised configuration file options, new defined macros, new and revised m4 configuration macros, new and modified compile flags, new delivery agent flags, new equates for delivery agents, new queue features, new uses for LDAP, new rule set features, new file locations, and a new built-in mailer feature.

For more information, see "Mail Services" in the Solaris 8 System Administration Supplement. "Mail Services" also describes changes to mail.local, changes to mailstats, and changes to makemap.


Updated 7/01 

IP Network Multipathing

IP network multipathing provides your system with recovery from single-point failures with network adapters and increased traffic throughput. In the 10/00 release, if a failure occurs in the network adapter, and if you have an alternate adapter connected to the same IP link, the system switches all the network accesses automatically from the failed adapter to the alternate adapter. This process ensures uninterrupted access to the network. Also, when you have multiple network adapters connected to the same IP link, you achieve increased traffic throughput by spreading the traffic across multiple network adapters. 

In the 4/01 release, dynamic reconfiguration (DR) uses IP network multipathing to decommission a specific network device, with no impact on existing IP users.  

The 7/01 release introduces the new IPMP Reboot Safe feature. When a failed NIC is removed from the system by using dynamic reconfiguration, and a reboot occurs prior to reinsertion of a functioning NIC, the system attempts, but fails, to plumb an interface for the missing NIC. Rather than losing the IP address, the IPMP Reboot Safe feature transfers the IP address to another NIC in the IPMP interface group. 

For more information, see the IP Network Multipathing Administration Guide.


Updated 4/01 and 7/01 

Mobile Internet Protocol (IP)

Mobile Internet Protocol (IP) enables the transfer of information to and from mobile computers, such as laptop and wireless communications. In the 6/00 release, the mobile computer can change its location to a foreign network and still access and communicate with and through the mobile computer's home network. The Solaris implementation of Mobile IP supports only IPv4.  

In the 4/01 release, Mobile IP enables system administrators to set up reverse tunnels. By setting up a reverse tunnel from the mobile node's care-of address to the home agent, you ensure a topologically correct source address for the IP data packet. By using reverse tunnels, system administrators can also assign private addresses to mobile nodes. 

For more information, see the Mobile IP Administration Guide.


Updated 4/01 


SPARC: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is now supported in the iPlanet Web Server directory server. To set up the iPlanet directory server to support Solaris clients, see the LDAP Setup and Configuration Guide.
