Solaris 8 Advanced Installation Guide

Web Start Flash Installation Feature

The Web Start Flash installation feature allows you to install many systems, based on a configuration that you install on a master system. After you install and configure the master system, you create a Web Start Flash archive from the master system. You can create as many Web Start Flash archives as you need. You choose which Web Start Flash archive to install on each different system. This installation method enables you to efficiently install many systems with the same software and configuration.

When you use any of the Solaris installation methods and you do not select to install a Web Start Flash archive, the installation method installs each Solaris package individually. The package-based installation method is time consuming because the installation method must update the package map for each package. Web Start Flash archives install on your system much faster than when you install each of the individual Solaris packages.

Each of the Solaris installation methods enables you to install a Web Start Flash archive. The Solaris Web Start installation method and the Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program prompt you to select the Web Start Flash archive that you want to install. If you are performing a custom JumpStart installation, you specify the Web Start Flash archive that you want to install in the profile file.

If you have many different configurations that you want to install on your systems, you need a Web Start Flash archive for each system. Web Start Flash archives are large files and require a significant amount of disk space. Also, after you create a Web Start Flash archive, you cannot change the archive. If you have many different installation configurations or if you want the flexibility to change your installation configuration, you might consider using the custom JumpStart installation method.

For detailed instructions, refer to Chapter 17, Web Start Flash Overview and Planning.