Solaris 8 Advanced Installation Guide

Chapter 18 Creating Web Start Flash Archives

This chapter provides the procedures for creating a Web Start Flash archive.

Task Map: Creating Web Start Flash Archives

Table 18–1 Task Map: Creating a Web Start Flash Archive



For Instructions, Go To 

Install your chosen configuration on the master system. 

Determine the configuration that meets your needs and use any of the Solaris installation methods to install the master system. 

Chapter 2, Overview of Planning for a Solaris Installation or Upgrade

Create the Web Start Flash archive. 

Use the flarcreate command to create an archive.

To Create a Web Start Flash Archive

Creating Web Start Flash Archives Tasks

This section provides the procedures for installing a master system and then creating a Web Start Flash archive from that master system.

To Install the Master System

You install the master system with the configuration that you want other systems to have. Use any of the Solaris installation methods to install the Solaris operating environment on the master system.

  1. Identify the system configuration that you want to install.

  2. With the use of the Solaris installation methods, install the Solaris operating environment on the master system. For a discussion of the different installation methods, refer to Chapter 2, Overview of Planning for a Solaris Installation or Upgrade.

  3. Customize your Solaris installation in any of the following ways:

    • Delete software

    • Add software

    • Modify configuration files

    • Add support for peripheral devices on the clone system

To Create a Web Start Flash Archive

After you install the master system, create a Web Start Flash archive to use to install other systems.

  1. Boot the master system and run it in as inactive a state as possible.

    When possible, run the system in single–user mode. If that is not possible, shut down any applications that you want to archive and any applications that require extensive operating system resources.

    You can create a Web Start Flash archive while the master system is running in multiuser mode, single-user mode, or while booted from one of the following:

    • Solaris 8 DVD

    • Solaris 8 Software 1 of 2 CD

    • An image of the Solaris 8 Software and the Solaris 8 Languages CDs

  2. To create the archive, use the flarcreate command.

    # flarcreate -n name options path/filename

    In this command line:

    • name is the name that you give the archive. The name you specify is the value of the content_name keyword.

    • path is the path to the directory in which you want to save the archive file. If you do not specify a path to save the archive, flarcreate saves the archive file in the current directory.

    • filename is the name of the archive file.

    For a list of command line options, refer to flarcreate.

    If the archive creation is successful, the flarcreate command returns an exit code of 0. If the archive creation fails, the flarcreate command returns a nonzero exit code.