Solaris 8 (Intel Platform Edition) 2/02 Release Notes

Live Upgrade Might Not Determine Boot Device (4525464)

If you boot from a Solstice DiskSuiteTM or a SolarisTM Volume Manager mirrored root, or a Veritas encapsulated root, the lucreate command might be unable to determine the boot device. The following error message is displayed.

WARNING: Unable to determine root device by accessing boot device settings directly.
ERROR: Unable to determine root device for current BE.
ERROR: Unable to determine the physical boot device for the current BE <...>.
Use the <-C> command line option to specify the physical boot device for the current BE 

If you use lucreate -C to specify the physical boot device the command fails.

Workaround: Manually edit /usr/sbin/lucreate to enable Live Upgrade to determine the boot device from a Solstice DiskSuite or a Solaris Volume Manager mirrored root, or a Veritas encapsulated root. Follow these steps.

  1. Make a backup copy of /usr/sbin/lucreate.

  2. Open /usr/sbin/lucreate in a text editor.

  3. Locate the following line in /usr/sbin/lucreate.

    elif [ "${dpbe_pbeBootDev}" -eq "-" ] ; then

  4. Change the previous line to the following.

    elif [ "${dpbe_pbeBootDev}" = '-' ] ; then

  5. Locate the following line in /usr/sbin/lucreate.

     if [ "${OPTARG}" -ne "-" ] ; then

  6. Change the previous line to the following.

    if [ "${OPTARG}" != '-' ] ; then

  7. Save the changes to /usr/sbin/lucreate.

The lucreate command can now determine the boot device and the -C option will function correctly.

You can remove the backup copy of /usr/sbin/lucreate when the upgrade completes.