Solaris 8 2/02 Release Notes Supplement for Sun Hardware

LOMlite 2 Release Notes

Adding the LOMlite2 Software

  1. Insert the Supplemental CD and change to the LOMlite 2.0 software directory:

    # cd /cdrom/cdrom0/Lights_Out_Management_2.0/Product

  2. Add the LOMlite 2.0 packages, responding y to all questions:

    # pkgadd -d . SUNWlomm SUNWlomr SUNWlomu

  3. Verify that the LOMlite 2.0 packages were installed:

    # pkgchk -v SUNWlomm SUNWlomr SUNWlomu

The LOMlite2 software is now installed. Continue by adding LOMlite2 Patch 110208 as described in the next section.

Adding LOMlite2 Patch 110208

Ensure you have the latest revision of Patch 110208 from SunSolve (revision -13 or later).

Note –

The LOMlite2 software does not function unless this patch is added.

  1. Confirm the base LOMlite2 firmware version.

    Type #. to change to the lom> prompt, then run version.

    LOM version:         v4.4-LW2+
    LOM checksum:        387e
    LOM firmware part#   258-7939-12
    Microcontroller:     H8S/2148
    LOM firmware build   Aug 30 2001 18:02:40
    Configuration rev.   v1.2

    The LOM firmware version must not be earlier than 4.5.

  2. Type console at the lom> prompt to return to the # prompt.

  3. Confirm that the device node is present (via PROM 4.2.4):

    # prtconf -V
    OBP 4.2.4 2001/06/13 10:10
    # prtconf | grep SUNW,lomv
                    SUNW,lomv (driver not attached)

  4. Copy the patch to a temporary directory (/var/tmp).

    Confirm that the patch is present:

    # cd /var/tmp
    # ls

  5. Extract the patch:

    # unzip

  6. Apply the patch:

    # patchadd 110208-13
    # reboot

  7. Confirm that the patch has been loaded:

    # modinfo | grep lomv

  8. To upgrade the firmware, type:

    # lom -G default

    When prompted, type C to continue.

    Note –

    This process takes several minutes. Do not turn off the system while the update is progressing.

  9. Press Return to redisplay the UNIX prompt.

    Note –

    If the system displays the ok prompt, type go to return to the UNIX prompt.

  10. Check the functionality by running the lom -a command:

    # lom -a
    1 OK
    1 OK speed 90%
    2 OK speed 86%
    3 OK speed 75%
    LOMlite configuration settings:
    serial escape character=#
    serial event reporting=default
    Event reporting level=fatal, warning & information
    Serial security=enabled
    Disable watchdog on break=enabled
    Automatic return to console=disabled
    alarm3 mode=user controlled
    firmware version=4.5
    firmware checksum=1164
    product revision=1.4
    product ID=Netra T4
    LOMlite led states:
    1       on              Power
    2       off             Fault
    3       off             Supply A
    4       off             Supply B
    5       on              PSU ok
    6       off             PSU fail

    The software is now installed and the system is ready for use.