Solaris 8 2/02 Release Notes Supplement for Sun Hardware

Possible Runtime Problems

The saiptest Device Does Not Display in the SunVTS UI (BugID 4482710, 4322468, 4313346)

The saiptest, which tests the serial asynchronous interface (SAI) card, does not show up in the SunVTS UI.

Workaround: Install the saip driver patch 109338 if you want to test the SAI device.

The env5test Fails (BugID 4493544, 4487110, 4508863)

A communication problem between the env5test and the picld daemon causes the env5test to fail.

Workaround: Before you start SunVTS, stop and start the picld daemon as shown in the following example:

# /etc/init.d/picld stop

# /etc/init.d/picld start

Note –

Once you stop and start the picld daemon, the problem is resolved until the system is rebooted, at which time you need to perform these commands again.

The cg6test Might Not Complete a Test Pass (BugID 4506219)

The cg6test for testing the CG6 frame buffer might not complete a test pass.

Workaround: Do not run the cg6test.

Possible env4test Problem (BugID 4516503)

The env4test might fail if you select the All Tests option in the Test Parameter Options dialog box.

Workaround: Do not select the All Tests option from the Test Parameter Options dialog box.

Possible sctest Problem (BugID 4526192)

If you run the sctest for an extended period of time, the ocfserv may core dump.

Workaround: Do not run sctest if this problem occurs.

Possible Problem of Not Detecting All Serial Ports (BugID 4523182)

If a system has additional serial devices installed other than the onboard serial(s), SunVTS might not detect all the devices.

env4test Documentation Error in Test Reference Manual (BugID 4530573)

There is an error in the SunVTS 4.6 Test Reference Manual in the environment test (env4test) chapter. Figure 22-1, env4test Test Parameter Options Dialog Box, shows an option called Reset Test. This option is not available in the 4.6 release.