man pages section 1: User Commands
 date - display date and/or set date ( Index Term Link )
  prompts for a date - ckdate ( Index Term Link )
  provides error message for date - errdate ( Index Term Link )
  provides help message for date - helpdate ( Index Term Link )
  validates a date - valdate ( Index Term Link )
 debug tools, debugger - adb ( Index Term Link )
 decode binary file - uudecode ( Index Term Link )
 decode files, - crypt ( Index Term Link )
 decrypt - crypt ( Index Term Link )
 define locale environment - localedef ( Index Term Link )
 dependencies, dynamic, of executable files or shared objects - ldd ( Index Term Link )
 deroff - remove nroff, troff, tbl and eqn constructs ( Index Term Link )
 describe command - whatis ( Index Term Link )
 describe instruction set architectures - isainfo ( Index Term Link )
 desk calculator, - dc ( Index Term Link )
 determine which variant instruction set is optimal to use - optisa ( Index Term Link )
 devices, eject media device from drive - eject ( Index Term Link )
 df - display status of disk space on file systems ( Index Term Link )
 dhcpinfo - display value of parameters received through DHCP ( Index Term Link )
 dictionary, system, find words - look ( Index Term Link )
 diff - display line-by-line differences between pairs of text files ( Index Term Link )
  3-way - diff3 ( Index Term Link )
  big - bdiff ( Index Term Link )
 diff3 - display line-by-line differences between three text files ( Index Term Link )
 diff command, side-by-side - sdiff ( Index Term Link )
 diffmk - mark differences between versions of a troff input file ( Index Term Link )
 digestp - frontends to the mp Text to PDL (Printer Description Language) pretty print filter ( Index Term Link )
 dircmp - compares contents of directories ( Index Term Link )
  compare contents - dircmp ( Index Term Link )
  list contents - ls ( Index Term Link )
  list contents of - ls ( Index Term Link )
  make - mkdir ( Index Term Link )
  make link to - ln ( Index Term Link )
  print working directory name - pwd ( Index Term Link )
  remove - rmdir ( Index Term Link )
 dirname - delivers all but last level of path name ( Index Term Link )
 dirs - shell built-in functions to change the current working directory ( Index Term Link )
 dis - object code disassembler ( Index Term Link )
 disable - disable LP printers ( Index Term Link )
 disassembler, object code - dis ( Index Term Link )
 display editor - vi ( Index Term Link )
  a list of all valid user names - dispuid ( Index Term Link )
  architecture of current host - arch ( Index Term Link )
  call-graph profile data - gprof ( Index Term Link )
  contents of directory - ls ( Index Term Link )
  current news - news ( Index Term Link )
  - date ( Index Term Link )
  disk usage - du ( Index Term Link )
  dynamic dependencies of executable files or shared objects - ldd ( Index Term Link )
  effective user name - whoami ( Index Term Link )
  file names - ls ( Index Term Link )
  first few lines of files - head ( Index Term Link )
  group membership of user - groups ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  how long the system has been up - uptime ( Index Term Link )
  identifier of current host - hostid ( Index Term Link )
  last commands executed, in reverse order - lastcomm ( Index Term Link )
  list of all valid group names - dispgid ( Index Term Link )
  login and logout information about users and terminals - last ( Index Term Link )
  name of current host - hostname ( Index Term Link )
  name of the user running the process - logname ( Index Term Link )
  printer queue - lpq ( Index Term Link )
  process status - ps ( Index Term Link )
  processor type of current host - mach ( Index Term Link )
  selected lines from file - sed ( Index Term Link )
  size of page of memory - pagesize ( Index Term Link )
  status of disk space on file system - df ( Index Term Link )
  status of local hosts - ruptime ( Index Term Link )
  status of network hosts - rup ( Index Term Link )
  users on system - users ( Index Term Link )
  working directory name - pwd ( Index Term Link )
 display discretionary file information - getfacl ( Index Term Link )
 display information about currently logged-in users - w ( Index Term Link )
 display names and references bound in FNS context - fnlist ( Index Term Link )
 display package parameter values - pkgparam ( Index Term Link )
 display profile data - prof ( Index Term Link )
 display reference bound to FNS name - fnlookup ( Index Term Link )
 display the internal versioning information of dynamic objects - pvs ( Index Term Link )
 display the native instruction sets executable on this platform - isalist ( Index Term Link )
 display value of parameters received through DHCP - dhcpinfo ( Index Term Link )
 document production
  check spelling - spell ( Index Term Link )
  check nroff/troff files - checknr ( Index Term Link )
  create an inverted index to a bibliographic database - indexbib ( Index Term Link )
  create or extend bibliography - addbib ( Index Term Link )
  eliminate .so's from nroff input - soelim ( Index Term Link )
  expand and insert references from a bibliographic database - refer ( Index Term Link )
  filters reverse line-feeds from two-column nroff text - col ( Index Term Link )
  find references in a bibliographic database - lookbib ( Index Term Link )
  format and print a bibliographic database - roffbib ( Index Term Link )
  format documents for display or line-printer - nroff ( Index Term Link )
  format tables for nroff or troff - tbl ( Index Term Link )
  mark differences between versions of a troff input file - diffmk ( Index Term Link )
  remove nroff, troff, tbl and eqn constructs - deroff ( Index Term Link )
  simple text formatters - fmt ( Index Term Link )
  sort a bibliographic database - sortbib ( Index Term Link )
  troff postprocessor for PostScript printers - dpost ( Index Term Link )
  typeset mathematics - eqn ( Index Term Link )
  typeset or format documents - troff ( Index Term Link )
  convert text file from DOS format to ISO format - dos2unix ( Index Term Link )
  convert text file from ISO format to DOS format - unix2dos ( Index Term Link )
 dos2unix - convert text file from DOS format to ISO format ( Index Term Link )
 download - host resident PostScript font downloader ( Index Term Link )
 download - prepends host resident PostScript fonts to files ( Index Term Link )
 dpost - troff postprocessor for PostScript printers ( Index Term Link )
 draw graph - graph ( Index Term Link )
 du - display disk usage per directory or file ( Index Term Link )
 dump - dump selected parts of an object file ( Index Term Link )
 dump selected parts of an object file - dump ( Index Term Link )
 dump selected parts of an object file - elfdump ( Index Term Link )
 dumpcs - show codeset table for the current locale ( Index Term Link )
 dumpkeys - dump keyboard translation tables ( Index Term Link )