man pages section 2: System Calls
 chdir - change working directory ( Index Term Link )
 child processes
  allows a parent process to control the execution of a child process - ptrace ( Index Term Link )
  get time - times ( Index Term Link )
  wait for child process to change state - waitid ( Index Term Link )
  wait for child process to change state - waitpid ( Index Term Link )
  wait for child process to stop or terminate - wait ( Index Term Link )
 chmod - change access permission mode of file ( Index Term Link )
 chown - change owner and group of a file ( Index Term Link )
 chroot - change root directory ( Index Term Link )
 clock, get local clock values - ntp_gettime ( Index Term Link )
 continue or suspend LWP execution
  - _lwp_continue ( Index Term Link )
  - _lwp_suspend ( Index Term Link )
 CPU-use, process execution time profile - profil ( Index Term Link )
 creat - create a new file or rewrite an existing one ( Index Term Link )
 create a new process - fork ( Index Term Link )
  fork1 ( Index Term Link )
 create a new light-weight process - _lwp_create ( Index Term Link )
 create session and set process group ID - setsid ( Index Term Link )