man pages section 3: Networking Library Functions
 change QOP, service for session, - rpc_gss_set_defaults ( Index Term Link )
 character string
  - fn_string_assign ( Index Term Link )
  - fn_string_bytecount ( Index Term Link )
  - fn_string_charcount ( Index Term Link )
  - fn_string_code_set ( Index Term Link )
  - fn_string_compare ( Index Term Link )
  - fn_string_compare_substring ( Index Term Link )
  - fn_string_contents ( Index Term Link )
  - fn_string_copy ( Index Term Link )
  - fn_string_create ( Index Term Link )
  - fn_string_destroy ( Index Term Link )
  - fn_string_from_contents ( Index Term Link )
  - fn_string_from_str ( Index Term Link )
  - fn_string_from_str_n ( Index Term Link )
  - fn_string_from_strings ( Index Term Link )
  - fn_string_from_substring ( Index Term Link )
  - fn_string_is_empty ( Index Term Link )
  - fn_string_next_substring ( Index Term Link )
  - fn_string_prev_substring ( Index Term Link )
  - fn_string_str ( Index Term Link )
  - FN_string_t ( Index Term Link )
 cldap_close - dispose of connectionless LDAP pointer ( Index Term Link )
 cldap_open - LDAP connectionless communication preparation ( Index Term Link )
 cldap_search_s - connectionless LDAP search ( Index Term Link )
  Retransmission Algorithm ( Index Term Link )
 cldap_setretryinfo - set connectionless LDAP request retransmission parameters ( Index Term Link )
 client side remote procedure call authentication, library routines for
  - auth_destroy ( Index Term Link )
  - authnone_create ( Index Term Link )
  - authsys_create ( Index Term Link )
  - authsys_create_default ( Index Term Link )
  - rpc_clnt_auth ( Index Term Link )
 clnt_call - library routines for client side calls ( Index Term Link )
 clnt_control - library routines for dealing with creation and manipulation of CLIENT handles ( Index Term Link )
 clnt_create - library routines for dealing with creation and manipulation of CLIENT handles ( Index Term Link )
 clnt_create_timed - library routines for dealing with creation and manipulation of CLIENT handles ( Index Term Link )
 clnt_create_vers - library routines for dealing with creation and manipulation of CLIENT handles ( Index Term Link )
 clnt_create_vers_timed - library routines for dealing with creation and manipulation of CLIENT handles ( Index Term Link )
 clnt_destroy - library routines for dealing with creation and manipulation of CLIENT handles ( Index Term Link )
 clnt_dg_create - library routines for dealing with creation and manipulation of CLIENT handles ( Index Term Link )
 clnt_door_create - library routines for dealing with creation and manipulation of CLIENT handles ( Index Term Link )
 clnt_freeres - library routines for client side calls ( Index Term Link )
 clnt_geterr - library routines for client side calls ( Index Term Link )
 clnt_pcreateerror - library routines for dealing with creation and manipulation of CLIENT handles ( Index Term Link )
 clnt_perrno - library routines for client side calls ( Index Term Link )
 clnt_perror - library routines for client side calls ( Index Term Link )
 clnt_raw_create - library routines for dealing with creation and manipulation of CLIENT handles ( Index Term Link )
 clnt_spcreateerror - library routines for dealing with creation and manipulation of CLIENT handles ( Index Term Link )
 clnt_sperrno - library routines for client side calls ( Index Term Link )
 clnt_sperror - library routines for client side calls ( Index Term Link )
 clnt_tli_create - library routines for dealing with creation and manipulation of CLIENT handles ( Index Term Link )
 clnt_tp_create - library routines for dealing with creation and manipulation of CLIENT handles ( Index Term Link )
 clnt_tp_create_timed - library routines for dealing with creation and manipulation of CLIENT handles ( Index Term Link )
 clnt_vc_create - library routines for dealing with creation and manipulation of CLIENT handles ( Index Term Link )
 close an open SLP handle - SLPClose ( Index Term Link )
  accept a connection on a socket - accept ( Index Term Link )
  allocate memory for ( Index Term Link )
  bind a name to a socket - bind ( Index Term Link )
  create a pair of connected sockets - socketpair ( Index Term Link )
  create an endpoint for communication - socket ( Index Term Link )
  get name of peer connected to socket - getpeername ( Index Term Link )
  get socket name - getsockname ( Index Term Link )
  initiate a connection on a socket - connect ( Index Term Link )
  listen for connections on a socket - listen ( Index Term Link )
  scatter data in order to test the network - spray ( Index Term Link )
  send a message from a socket - send, sendto, sendmsg ( Index Term Link )
  shut down part of a full-duplex connection - shutdown ( Index Term Link )
 compare two internal-form names - gss_compare_name ( Index Term Link )
 component names spanning multiple naming systems
  - fn_composite_name_append_comp ( Index Term Link )
  - fn_composite_name_append_name ( Index Term Link )
  - fn_composite_name_assign ( Index Term Link )
  - fn_composite_name_copy ( Index Term Link )
  - fn_composite_name_count ( Index Term Link )
  - fn_composite_name_create ( Index Term Link )
  - fn_composite_name_delete_comp ( Index Term Link )
  - fn_composite_name_destroy ( Index Term Link )
  - fn_composite_name_first ( Index Term Link )
  - fn_composite_name_from_str ( Index Term Link )
  - fn_composite_name_from_string ( Index Term Link )
  - fn_composite_name_insert_comp ( Index Term Link )
  - fn_composite_name_insert_name ( Index Term Link )
  - fn_composite_name_is_empty ( Index Term Link )
  - fn_composite_name_is_equal ( Index Term Link )
  - fn_composite_name_is_prefix ( Index Term Link )
  - fn_composite_name_is_suffix ( Index Term Link )
  - fn_composite_name_last ( Index Term Link )
  - fn_composite_name_next ( Index Term Link )
  - fn_composite_name_prefix ( Index Term Link )
  - fn_composite_name_prepend_comp ( Index Term Link )
  - fn_composite_name_prepend_name ( Index Term Link )
  - fn_composite_name_prev ( Index Term Link )
  - fn_composite_name_suffix ( Index Term Link )
  - FN_composite_name_t ( Index Term Link )
  - fn_string_from_composite_name ( Index Term Link )
 configuration script, execute - doconfig ( Index Term Link )
 connect - initiate a connection on socket ( Index Term Link )
 connectionless LDAP search - cldap_search_s ( Index Term Link )
 construct a handle to a context object using the given reference - fn_ctx_handle_from_ref ( Index Term Link )
 construct equivalent name in same context - fn_ctx_equivalent_name ( Index Term Link )
 convert a contiguous string name to GSS_API internal format - gss_import_name ( Index Term Link )
 convert a GSS-API status code to text - gss_display_status ( Index Term Link )
 convert a mechanism name to export form - gss_export_name ( Index Term Link )
 convert a string to an OID - gss_str_to_oid ( Index Term Link )
 convert an internal name to a mechanism name - gss_canonicalize_name ( Index Term Link )
 convert an OID to a string - gss_oid_to_str ( Index Term Link )
 convert internal-form name to text - gss_display_name ( Index Term Link )
 create a copy of an internal name - gss_duplicate_name ( Index Term Link )
 create a security context using the RPCSEC_GSS protocol - rpc_gss_seccreate ( Index Term Link )
 create an object-identifier set containing no object identifiers - gss_create_empty_oid_set ( Index Term Link )
 create subcontext and associate attributes - fn_attr_create_subcontext ( Index Term Link )