man pages section 3: Extended Library Functions
 ea_attach_to_group - open or close exacct files ( Index Term Link )
 ea_attach_to_object - open or close exacct files ( Index Term Link )
 ea_close - open or close exacct files ( Index Term Link )
 ea_error - error interface to extended accounting library ( Index Term Link )
 ea_free_item - open or close exacct files ( Index Term Link )
 ea_free_object - open or close exacct files ( Index Term Link )
 ea_get_creator - construct, read, and write extended accounting records ( Index Term Link )
 ea_get_hostname - construct, read, and write extended accounting records ( Index Term Link )
 ea_get_object - construct, read, and write extended accounting records ( Index Term Link )
 ea_match_object_catalog - open or close exacct files ( Index Term Link )
 ea_next_object - construct, read, and write extended accounting records ( Index Term Link )
 ea_open - open or close exacct files ( Index Term Link )
 ea_pack_object - construct, read, and write extended accounting records ( Index Term Link )
 ea_previous_object - construct, read, and write extended accounting records ( Index Term Link )
 ea_set_group - open or close exacct files ( Index Term Link )
 ea_set_item - open or close exacct files ( Index Term Link )
 ea_unpack_object - construct, read, and write extended accounting records ( Index Term Link )
 ea_write_object - construct, read, and write extended accounting records ( Index Term Link )
 elf - object file access library ( Index Term Link )
 elf, get entries from name list - nlist ( Index Term Link )
 elf32_checksum - return the checksum of an elf image, - elf64_checksum ( Index Term Link )
 elf64_checksum - return the checksum of an elf image, - elf32_checksum ( Index Term Link )
 elf32_fsize - return the size of an object file type ( Index Term Link )
 elf64_fsize - return the size of an object file type ( Index Term Link )
 elf32_getehdr - retrieve class-dependent object file header ( Index Term Link )
 elf64_getehdr - retrieve class-dependent object file header ( Index Term Link )
 elf32_getphdr - retrieve class-dependent program header table ( Index Term Link )
 elf64_getphdr - retrieve class-dependent program header table ( Index Term Link )
 elf32_getshdr - retrieve class-dependent section header ( Index Term Link )
 elf64_getshdr - retrieve class-dependent section header ( Index Term Link )
 elf32_newehdr - retrieve class-dependent object file header ( Index Term Link )
 elf64_newehdr - retrieve class-dependent object file header ( Index Term Link )
 elf32_newphdr - retrieve class-dependent program header table ( Index Term Link )
 elf64_newphdr - retrieve class-dependent program header table ( Index Term Link )
 elf32_xlatetof - class-dependent data translation ( Index Term Link )
 elf64_xlatetof - class-dependent data translation ( Index Term Link )
 elf32_xlatetom - class-dependent data translation ( Index Term Link )
 elf64_xlatetom - class-dependent data translation ( Index Term Link )
 elf_begin - process ELF object files ( Index Term Link )
 elf_cntl - control an elf file descriptor ( Index Term Link )
 elf_end - process ELF object files ( Index Term Link )
 elf_errmsg - error handling ( Index Term Link )
 elf_errno - error handling ( Index Term Link )
 elf_fill - set fill byte ( Index Term Link )
 elf_flagdata - manipulate flags ( Index Term Link )
 elf_flagehdr - manipulate flags ( Index Term Link )
 elf_flagelf - manipulate flags ( Index Term Link )
 elf_flagphdr - manipulate flags ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 elf_flagshdr - manipulate flags ( Index Term Link )
 elf_getarhdr - retrieve archive member header ( Index Term Link )
 elf_getarsym - retrieve archive symbol table ( Index Term Link )
 elf_getbase - get the base offset for an object file ( Index Term Link )
 elf_getdata - get section data ( Index Term Link )
 elf_getident - retrieve file identification data ( Index Term Link )
 elf_getscn - get section information ( Index Term Link )
 elf_hash - compute hash value ( Index Term Link )
 elf_kind - determine file type ( Index Term Link )
 elf_memory - process ELF object files ( Index Term Link )
 elf_ndxscn - get section information ( Index Term Link )
 elf_newdata - get section data ( Index Term Link )
 elf_newscn - get section information ( Index Term Link )
 elf_next - process ELF object files ( Index Term Link )
 elf_nextscn - get section information ( Index Term Link )
 elf_rand - process ELF object files ( Index Term Link )
 elf_rawdata - get section data ( Index Term Link )
 elf_rawfile - retrieve uninterpreted file contents ( Index Term Link )
 elf_strptr - make a string pointer ( Index Term Link )
 elf_update - update an ELF descriptor ( Index Term Link )
 elf_version - coordinate ELF library and application versions ( Index Term Link )
 enable and disable performance counters - cpc_count_sys_events ( Index Term Link )
 enable and disable performance counters - cpc_count_usr_events ( Index Term Link )
 encryption, determine whether a buffer of characters is encrypted - isencrypt ( Index Term Link )
 endac - get audit control file information ( Index Term Link )
 endauclass - close audit_class database file ( Index Term Link )
 endauevent - close audit_event database file ( Index Term Link )
 endauthattr - get authorization database entry ( Index Term Link )
 endauuser - get audit_user database entry ( Index Term Link )
 endexecattr - get execution attribute database entry ( Index Term Link )
 endprofattr - get profile description database entry ( Index Term Link )
 endprojent - project database entry functions ( Index Term Link )
 enduserattr - get user_attr entry ( Index Term Link )
 erf - error and complementary error functions ( Index Term Link )
 erfc - error and complementary error functions ( Index Term Link )
 error and complementary error functions
  - erf ( Index Term Link )
  - erfc ( Index Term Link )
 error interface to extended accounting library - ea_error ( Index Term Link )
 Euclidean distance function - hypot ( Index Term Link )
 Executable and Linking Format
  See elf
 exp - exponential function ( Index Term Link )
 expm1 - computes exponential functions ( Index Term Link )
 exponential function - exp ( Index Term Link )