man pages section 7: Device and Network Interfaces
  • T
    • t1394dcam(7D)- IEEE 1394 bus-based digital camera
    • TCP(7P)- Internet Transmission Control Protocol
    • tcp(7P)- Internet Transmission Control Protocol
    • tcx(7D)- 24-bit SBus color memory frame buffer
    • termio(7I)- general terminal interface
    • termiox(7I)- extended general terminal interface
    • ticlts(7D)- loopback transport providers
    • ticots(7D)- loopback transport providers
    • ticotsord(7D)- loopback transport providers
    • timod(7M)- Transport Interface cooperating STREAMS module
    • tirdwr(7M)- Transport Interface read/write interface STREAMS module
    • tmpfs(7FS)- memory based file system
    • tpf(7D)- Platform Specific Module (PSM) for Tricord Systems Enterprise Server Models ES3000, ES4000 and ES5000.
    • ttcompat(7M)- V7, 4BSD and XENIX STREAMS compatibility module
    • tty(7D)- controlling terminal interface
    • TUN(7M)- tunneling STREAMS module
    • tun(7M)- tunneling STREAMS module