man pages section 9F: DDI and DKI Kernel Functions
 call a function when a buffer becomes available - qbufcall ( Index Term Link )
 call a function when a buffer becomes available, bufcall ( Index Term Link )
 call a STREAMS put procedure - put ( Index Term Link )
 cancel a pending qbufcall request - qunbufcall ( Index Term Link )
 cancel previous timeout function call - quntimeout ( Index Term Link )
 cancellation of asynchronous I/O - anocancel ( Index Term Link )
 character strings
  compare two null terminated strings - strcmp, strncmp ( Index Term Link )
  convert between an integer and a decimal string - stoi, numtos ( Index Term Link )
  copy a string from one location to another - strcpy, strncpy ( Index Term Link )
  determine the number of non-null bytes in a string - strlen ( Index Term Link )
  find a character in a string - strchr ( Index Term Link )
  format in memory - sprintf ( Index Term Link )
 check data access and DMA handles ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 check device state ( Index Term Link )
 check for an available buffer - testb ( Index Term Link )
 check for the existence of a property - ddi_prop_exists ( Index Term Link )
 check if a buffer is modified - biomodified ( Index Term Link )
 CIS tuple
  first tuple - csx_GetFirstTuple ( Index Term Link )
  next tuple - csx_GetNextTuple ( Index Term Link )
 clear client event mask - csx_ReleaseSocketMask ( Index Term Link )
 client, register client - csx_RegisterClient ( Index Term Link )
 client event mask
  return client event mask - csx_GetEventMask ( Index Term Link )
  set client event mask - csx_SetEventMask ( Index Term Link )
 client return
  - csx_GetFirstClient ( Index Term Link )
  - csx_GetNextClient ( Index Term Link )
 clone another buffer - bioclone ( Index Term Link )
 condition variable routines, driver
  - condvar ( Index Term Link )
  - cv_broadcast ( Index Term Link )
  - cv_init ( Index Term Link )
  - cv_signal ( Index Term Link )
  - cv_timedwait ( Index Term Link )
  - cv_timedwait_sig ( Index Term Link )
  - cv_wait ( Index Term Link )
  - cv_wait_sig ( Index Term Link )
 configure PC Card and socket - csx_RequestConfiguration ( Index Term Link )
 control driver notification of user accesses - ddi_mapdev_intercept ( Index Term Link )
  ddi_mapdev_nointercept ( Index Term Link )
 control device components' availability for Power Management
  - pm_busy_component ( Index Term Link )
  - pm_idle_component ( Index Term Link )
 control the validation of memory address translations
  - devmap_load ( Index Term Link )
  - devmap_unload ( Index Term Link )
 convert a DMA segment to a DMA address cookie - ddi_dma_segtocookie ( Index Term Link )
 convert clock ticks to microseconds - drv_hztousec ( Index Term Link )
 convert device sizes - csx_ConvertSize ( Index Term Link )
 convert device speeds - csx_ConvertSpeed ( Index Term Link )
 convert error return codes to text strings - csx_Error2Text ( Index Term Link )
 convert events to text strings - csx_Event2Text ( Index Term Link )
 convert microseconds to clock ticks - drv_usectohz ( Index Term Link )
 copy data from one device register to another device register - ddi_device_copy ( Index Term Link )
 create minor nodes for client - csx_MakeDeviceNode ( Index Term Link )
 create a minor node for this device - ddi_create_minor_node ( Index Term Link )
 create and initialize a new kstat - kstat_create ( Index Term Link )
 create driver-controlled mapping of device - ddi_mapdev ( Index Term Link )
 csx_AccessConfigurationRegister - read or write a PC Card Configuration Register ( Index Term Link )
 csx_ConvertSize - convert device sizes ( Index Term Link )
 csx_ConvertSpeed - convert device speeds ( Index Term Link )
 csx_CS_DDI_Info - obtain DDI information ( Index Term Link )
 csx_DeregisterClient - remove client from Card Services list ( Index Term Link )
 csx_DupHandle - duplicate access handle ( Index Term Link )
 csx_Error2Text - convert error return codes to text strings ( Index Term Link )
 csx_Event2Text - convert events to text strings ( Index Term Link )
 csx_FreeHandle - free access handle ( Index Term Link )
 csx_Get8 - read from device register ( Index Term Link )
 csx_Get16 - read from device register ( Index Term Link )
 csx_Get32 - read from device register ( Index Term Link )
 csx_Get64 - read from device register ( Index Term Link )
 csx_GetEventMask - return client event mask ( Index Term Link )
 csx_GetFirstClient - return first client ( Index Term Link )
 csx_GetFirstTuple - return first CIS tuple ( Index Term Link )
 csx_GetHandleOffset - return current access handle offset ( Index Term Link )
 csx_GetMappedAddr - return mapped virtual address ( Index Term Link )
 csx_GetNextClient - return next client ( Index Term Link )
 csx_GetNextTuple - return next CIS tuple ( Index Term Link )
 csx_GetStatus - return status of PC Card and socket ( Index Term Link )
 csx_GetTupleData - return data portion of tuple ( Index Term Link )
 csx_MakeDeviceNode - create minor nodes for client ( Index Term Link )
 csx_MapLogSocket - return physical socket number ( Index Term Link )
 csx_MapMemPage - map memory area on PC Card ( Index Term Link )
 csx_ModifyConfiguration - modify PC Card configuration ( Index Term Link )
 csx_ModifyWindow - modify window attributes ( Index Term Link )
 csx_Parse_CISTPL_BATTERY - parse Battery Replacement Date tuple ( Index Term Link )
 csx_Parse_CISTPL_BYTEORDER - parse Byte Order tuple ( Index Term Link )
 csx_Parse_CISTPL_CFTABLE_ENTRY - parse Card Configuration Table tuple ( Index Term Link )
 csx_Parse_CISTPL_CONFIG - parse Configuration tuple ( Index Term Link )
 csx_Parse_CISTPL_DATE - parse Card Initialization Date tuple ( Index Term Link )
 csx_Parse_CISTPL_DEVICE - parse Device Information tuple for Common Memory ( Index Term Link )
 csx_Parse_CISTPL_DEVICE_A - parse Device Information tuple for Attribute Memory ( Index Term Link )
 csx_Parse_CISTPL_DEVICE_OA - parse Other Condition Device Information tuple for Attribute Memory ( Index Term Link )
 csx_Parse_CISTPL_DEVICE_OC - parse Other Condition Device Information tuple for Common Memory ( Index Term Link )
 csx_Parse_CISTPL_DEVICEGEO - parse Device Geo tuple ( Index Term Link )
 csx_Parse_CISTPL_DEVICEGEO_A - parse Device Geo A tuple ( Index Term Link )
 csx_Parse_CISTPL_FORMAT - parse Data Recording Format tuple ( Index Term Link )
 csx_Parse_CISTPL_FUNCE - parse Function Extension tuple ( Index Term Link )
 csx_Parse_CISTPL_FUNCID - parse Function Identification tuple ( Index Term Link )
 csx_Parse_CISTPL_GEOMETRY - parse Geometry tuple ( Index Term Link )
 csx_Parse_CISTPL_JEDEC_A - parse JEDEC Identifier tuple for Attribute Memory ( Index Term Link )
 csx_Parse_CISTPL_JEDEC_C - parse JEDEC Identifier tuple for Common Memory ( Index Term Link )
 csx_Parse_CISTPL_LINKTARGET - parse Link Target tuple ( Index Term Link )
 csx_Parse_CISTPL_LONGLINK_A - parse Long Link A tuple ( Index Term Link )
 csx_Parse_CISTPL_LONGLINK_C - parse Long Link C tuple ( Index Term Link )
 csx_Parse_CISTPL_LONGLINK_MFC - parse Multi-Function tuple ( Index Term Link )
 csx_Parse_CISTPL_MANFID - parse Manufacturer Identification tuple ( Index Term Link )
 csx_Parse_CISTPL_ORG - parse Data Organization tuple ( Index Term Link )
 csx_Parse_CISTPL_SPCL - parse Special Purpose tuple ( Index Term Link )
 csx_Parse_CISTPL_SWIL - parse Software Interleaving tuple ( Index Term Link )
 csx_Parse_CISTPL_VERS_1 - parse Level-1 Version/Product Information tuple ( Index Term Link )
 csx_Parse_CISTPL_VERS_2 - parse Level-2 Version and Information tuple ( Index Term Link )
 csx_ParseTuple - generic tuple parser ( Index Term Link )
 csx_Put8 - write to device register ( Index Term Link )
 csx_Put16 - write to device register ( Index Term Link )
 csx_Put32 - write to device register ( Index Term Link )
 csx_Put64 - write to device register ( Index Term Link )
 csx_RegisterClient - register client ( Index Term Link )
 csx_ReleaseConfiguration - release configuration on PC Card ( Index Term Link )
 csx_ReleaseIO - release I/O resources ( Index Term Link )
 csx_ReleaseIRQ - release IRQ resource ( Index Term Link )
 csx_ReleaseSocketMask - clear client event mask ( Index Term Link )
 csx_ReleaseWindow - release window resources ( Index Term Link )
 csx_RepGet8 - read repetitively from device register ( Index Term Link )
 csx_RepGet16 - read repetitively from device register ( Index Term Link )
 csx_RepGet32 - read repetitively from device register ( Index Term Link )
 csx_RepGet64 - read repetitively from device register ( Index Term Link )
 csx_RepPut8 - write repetitively to device register ( Index Term Link )
 csx_RepPut16 - write repetitively to device register ( Index Term Link )
 csx_RepPut32 - write repetitively to device register ( Index Term Link )
 csx_RepPut64 - write repetitively to device register ( Index Term Link )
 csx_RequestConfiguration - configure PC Card and socket ( Index Term Link )
 csx_RequestIO - request I/O resources ( Index Term Link )
 csx_RequestIRQ - request IRQ resource ( Index Term Link )
 csx_RequestSocketMask - request client event mask ( Index Term Link )
 csx_RequestWindow - request window resources ( Index Term Link )
 csx_ResetFunction - reset a function on a PC card ( Index Term Link )
 csx_SetEventMask - set client event mask ( Index Term Link )
 csx_SetHandleOffset - set current access handle offset ( Index Term Link )
 csx_ValidateCIS - validate Card Information Structure (CIS) ( Index Term Link )