man pages section 9S: DDI and DKI Data Structures
 aio_req - asynchronous I/O request structure ( Index Term Link )
 asynchronous I/O request structure - aio_req ( Index Term Link )
 buf - block I/O data transfer structure ( Index Term Link )
 Card Information Structure (CIS) access structure - tuple ( Index Term Link )
 character/block entry points structure for drivers, - cb_ops ( Index Term Link )
 copyreq - STREAMS data structure for the M_COPYIN and the M_COPYOUT message types ( Index Term Link )
 copyresp - STREAMS data structure for the M_IOCDATA message type ( Index Term Link )
 data access attributes structure - ddi_device_acc_attr ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_device_acc_attr - data access attributes structure ( Index Term Link )
 DDI device mapping
  ddi_mapdev_ctl - device mapping-control structure ( Index Term Link )
  devmap_callback_ctl - device mapping-control structure ( Index Term Link )
 DDI direct memory access
  DMA limits structure - ddi_dma_lim ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  DMA cookie structure - ddi_dma_cookie ( Index Term Link )
  DMA Request structure - ddi_dma_req ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_dma_attr - DMA attributes structure ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_dmae_req - DMA engine request structure ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_idevice_cookie - device interrupt cookie ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_mapdev_ctl - device mapping-control structure ( Index Term Link )
 device interrupt cookie - ddi_idevice_cookie ( Index Term Link )
 device mapping-control structure - ddi_mapdev_ctl ( Index Term Link )
 device mapping-control structure - devmap_callback_ctl ( Index Term Link )
 device operations structure, - dev_ops ( Index Term Link )
 devmap_callback_ctl - device mapping-control structure ( Index Term Link )
 DMA attributes structure - ddi_dma_attr ( Index Term Link )
 DMA cookie structure, - ddi_dma_cookie ( Index Term Link )
 DMA engine request structure - ddi_dmae_req ( Index Term Link )
 DMA limits structure
  - ddi_dma_lim ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 DMA Request structure, - ddi_dma_req ( Index Term Link )
 driver's message freeing routine, - free_rtn ( Index Term Link )
 drivers, loadable, linkage structure, - modldrv ( Index Term Link )
 fmodsw - STREAMS module declaration structure ( Index Term Link )
 I/O, block, data transfer structure, - buf ( Index Term Link )
 I/O data storage structure using uio, - iovec ( Index Term Link )
 I/O request structure, scatter/gather, - uio ( Index Term Link )
 iocblk - STREAMS data structure for the M_IOCTL message type ( Index Term Link )
 kernel statistics structure - kstat ( Index Term Link )
 kstat - kernel statistics structure ( Index Term Link )
 kstat_intr - structure for interrupt kstats ( Index Term Link )
 kstat_io - structure for I/O kstats ( Index Term Link )
 kstat_named - structure for named kstats ( Index Term Link )
 linkblk - STREAMS data structure sent to multiplexor drivers to indicate a link ( Index Term Link )
 modlinkage - module linkage structure ( Index Term Link )
 options structure for M_SETOPTS message - stroptions ( Index Term Link )
 queclass - a STREAMS macro that returns the queue message class definitions for a given message block ( Index Term Link )
 scsi_address - SCSI address structure ( Index Term Link )
 SCSI address structure - scsi_address ( Index Term Link )
 scsi_arq_status - SCSI auto request sense structure ( Index Term Link )
 SCSI ASC ASCQ to message structure, scsi-vu-errmsg ( Index Term Link )
 scsi_asc_key_strings, SCSI ASC ASCQ to message structure ( Index Term Link )
 SCSI auto request sense structure - scsi_arq_status ( Index Term Link )
 scsi_device - SCSI device structure ( Index Term Link )
 SCSI device structure - scsi_device ( Index Term Link )
 SCSI device structure - scsi_inquiry ( Index Term Link )
 scsi_extended_sense - SCSI extended sense structure ( Index Term Link )
 SCSI extended sense structure - scsi_extended_sense ( Index Term Link )
 scsi_hba_tran - SCSI Host Bus Adapter (HBA) driver transport vector structure ( Index Term Link )
 SCSI Host Bus Adapter (HBA) driver transport vector structure - scsi_hba_tran ( Index Term Link )
 scsi_inquiry - SCSI device structure ( Index Term Link )
 SCSI packet structure - scsi_pkt ( Index Term Link )
 scsi_pkt - SCSI packet structure ( Index Term Link )
  pkt_flags Definitions ( Index Term Link )
  pkt_reason Definitions ( Index Term Link )
  pkt_state Definitions ( Index Term Link )
  pkt_statistics Definitions ( Index Term Link )
 scsi_status - SCSI status structure ( Index Term Link )
 SCSI status structure - scsi_status ( Index Term Link )
 STREAMS data structure for the M_COPYIN and the M_COPYOUT message types - copyreq ( Index Term Link )
 STREAMS data structure for the M_IOCDATA message type - copyresp ( Index Term Link )
 STREAMS data structure for the M_IOCTL message type - iocblk ( Index Term Link )
 STREAMS data structure sent to multiplexor drivers to indicate a link - linkblk ( Index Term Link )
 STREAMS driver identification and limit value structure, - module_info ( Index Term Link )
 STREAMS entity declaration structure, - streamtab ( Index Term Link )
 STREAMS macro that returns the queue message class definitions for a given message block - queclass ( Index Term Link )
 STREAMS message block structure, - msgb ( Index Term Link )
 STREAMS message data structure, - datab ( Index Term Link )
 STREAMS module declaration structure - fmodsw ( Index Term Link )
 STREAMS modules, loadable, linkage structure, modlstrmod ( Index Term Link )
 STREAMS queue flow control information structure, - qband ( Index Term Link )
 STREAMS queue processing procedures structure, - qinit ( Index Term Link )
 STREAMS queue structure, - queue ( Index Term Link )
 stroptions - options structure for M_SETOPTS message ( Index Term Link )
 structure for I/O kstats - kstat_io ( Index Term Link )
 structure for interrupt kstats - kstat_intr ( Index Term Link )
 structure for named kstats - kstat_named ( Index Term Link )
 tuple - Card Information Structure (CIS) access structure ( Index Term Link )
 uio - scatter/gather I/O request structure ( Index Term Link )