man pages section 7: Device and Network Interfaces
  • S
    • sad(7D)– STREAMS Administrative Driver
    • sbpro(7D)– Sound Blaster Pro, Sound Blaster 16, and Sound Blaster AWE32 audio device driver
    • scman(7D)– SUNW,scman Sun Fire high-end server management network device driver
    • scmi2c(7d)– Smart Transporter chip device driver
    • sc_nct(7D)– NetraCT-40/60 system management controller (SMC) I2C nexus driver
    • scsa2usb(7D)– SCSI to USB bridge driver
    • sd(7D)– SCSI disk and ATAPI/SCSI CD-ROM device driver
    • se(7D)– Siemens 82532 ESCC serial communications driver
    • se_hdlc(7D)– on-board high-performance serial HDLC interface
    • ses(7D)– SCSI enclosure services device driver
    • sesio(7I)– enclosure services device driver interface
    • sf(7D)– SOC+ FC-AL FCP Driver
    • sgen(7D)– Generic SCSI device driver
    • sk98sol(7D)– SysKonnect Gigabit Ethernet SK-98xx device driver
    • skfp(7D)– SysKonnect FDDI PCI device driver
    • slp(7P)– Service Location Protocol
    • smartii(7D)– Compaq Smart-2 EISA/PCI and Smart-2SL PCI Array Controller driver
    • soc(7D)– Serial Optical Controller (SOC) device driver
    • socal(7D)– Serial Optical Controller for Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop (SOC+) device driver
    • sockio(7I)– ioctls that operate directly on sockets
    • spwr(7D)– SMC EtherPower II 10/100 (9432) Ethernet device driver
    • ssd(7D)– driver for SPARCstorage Array and Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop disk devices
    • st(7D)– driver for SCSI tape devices
    • stc(7D)– Serial Parallel Communications driver for SBus
    • stp4020(7D)– STP 4020 PCMCIA Adapter
    • streamio(7I)– STREAMS ioctl commands
    • sxp(7D)– Rockwell 2200 SNAP Streams Driver
    • symhisl(7D)– symhisl SCSI Host Bus Adapter Driver
    • sysmsg(7D)– system message routing to console devices