man pages section 3: Library Interfaces and Headers
 the asynchronous I/O library — libaio ( Index Term Link )
 the device information library — libdevinfo ( Index Term Link )
 the multi-threaded memory allocator library — libmtmalloc ( Index Term Link )
 the network services library — libnsl ( Index Term Link )
 the sockets library — libsocket ( Index Term Link )
 the system library — libsys ( Index Term Link )
 the threads library — libthread ( Index Term Link )
 the UCB compatibility library — libucb ( Index Term Link )
 the wide character library — libw ( Index Term Link )
 the XFN interface library — libxfn ( Index Term Link )
 threads debugging library — libthread_db ( Index Term Link )
 types32 — fixed-width data types ( Index Term Link )