man pages section 3: Threads and Realtime Library Functions
 access dynamic thread scheduling
  — thr_getprio ( Index Term Link )
  — thr_setprio ( Index Term Link )
 access dynamic thread scheduling parameters
  — pthread_getschedparam ( Index Term Link )
  — pthread_setschedparam ( Index Term Link )
 aio_cancel — cancel asynchronous I/O request ( Index Term Link )
 aio_fsync — asynchronous file synchronization ( Index Term Link )
 aio_read — asynchronous read and write operations ( Index Term Link )
 aio_return — retrieve return status of asynchronous I/O operation ( Index Term Link )
 aio_suspend — wait for asynchronous I/O request ( Index Term Link )
 aio_write — asynchronous write to a file ( Index Term Link )
 aiocancel — cancel an asynchronous operation ( Index Term Link )
 aioread — read or write asynchronous I/O operations ( Index Term Link )
 aiowait — wait for completion of asynchronous I/O operation ( Index Term Link )
 aiowrite — read or write asynchronous I/O operations ( Index Term Link )
 allocate and deallocate process handles for libthread_db
  — td_ta_delete ( Index Term Link )
  — td_ta_get_ph ( Index Term Link )
  — td_ta_new ( Index Term Link )
 asynchronous file synchronization, — aio_sync ( Index Term Link )
 asynchronous I/O
  — aio_cancel ( Index Term Link )
  — aiocancel ( Index Term Link )
  — aiowait ( Index Term Link )
  retrieve return status — aio_return ( Index Term Link )
 asynchronous read and write operations, — aio_read, aio_write ( Index Term Link )
 asynchronous write to a file — aio_write ( Index Term Link )