man pages section 3: Basic Library Functions
 tcdrain — wait for transmission of output ( Index Term Link )
 tcflow — suspend or restart the transmission or reception of data ( Index Term Link )
 tcflush — flush non-transmitted output data, non-read input data or both ( Index Term Link )
 tcgetattr — get the parameters associated with the terminal ( Index Term Link )
 tcgetpgrp — get foreground process group ID ( Index Term Link )
 tcgetsid — get process group ID for session leader for controlling terminal ( Index Term Link )
 tcsendbreak — send a ``break'' for a specific duration ( Index Term Link )
 tcsetattr — set the parameters associated with the terminal ( Index Term Link )
 tcsetpgrp — set foreground process group ID ( Index Term Link )
 tdelete — manage binary search trees ( Index Term Link )
 tell — return a file offset for a file descriptor ( Index Term Link )
 telldir — current location of a named directory stream ( Index Term Link )
 tempnam — create a name for a temporary file ( Index Term Link )
 terminal, find the slot of the current user in the user accounting database — ttyslot ( Index Term Link )
 terminal device, slave pseudo
  get name — ptsname ( Index Term Link )
  grant access — grantpt ( Index Term Link )
 terminal ID, generate path name for controlling terminal — ctermid, ctermid_r ( Index Term Link )
 termios — general terminal interface ( Index Term Link )
 test character for specified class — iswctype ( Index Term Link )
 test for a terminal device — isatty ( Index Term Link )
 text processing utilities
  compile and execute regular expressions — regcmp, regex ( Index Term Link )
  quick sort — qsort ( Index Term Link )
 text string, — gettxt ( Index Term Link )
 textdomain — message handling functions ( Index Term Link )
 tfind — manage binary search trees ( Index Term Link )
 time, computes the difference between two calendar times — difftime ( Index Term Link )
 time, calendar, convert from a tm structure — mktime ( Index Term Link )
 time accounting, for current process — times ( Index Term Link )
 time and date
  convert to string — asctime ( Index Term Link )
  convert to string — ctime ( Index Term Link )
  convert to string — gmtime ( Index Term Link )
  convert to string — localtime ( Index Term Link )
  convert to string — tzset ( Index Term Link )
  convert to string — tzsetwall ( Index Term Link )
  convert user format date and time — getdate ( Index Term Link )
  get — ftime ( Index Term Link )
  — settimeofday ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 time of day, get and set — gettimeofday, settimeofday ( Index Term Link )
 times — get process times ( Index Term Link )
 tmpfile — create a temporary file ( Index Term Link )
 tmpnam — create a name for a temporary file ( Index Term Link )
 toascii — translate integer to a 7-bit ASCII character ( Index Term Link )
 tolower — transliterate upper-case characters to lower-case ( Index Term Link )
 _tolower — transliterate upper-case characters to lower-case ( Index Term Link )
 toupper — transliterate lower-case characters to upper-case ( Index Term Link )
 _toupper — transliterate lower-case characters to upper-case ( Index Term Link )
 towctrans — wide-character mapping ( Index Term Link )
 towlower — transliterate upper-case wide-character code to lower-case ( Index Term Link )
 towupper — transliterate lower-case wide-character code to upper-case ( Index Term Link )
 translate address to symbolic information — dladdr, dladdr1 ( Index Term Link )
 translate integer to a 7-bit ASCII character — toascii ( Index Term Link )
 translation between signal name and signal number — str2sig ( Index Term Link )
  sig2str ( Index Term Link )
 transliterate lower-case characters to upper-case — toupper ( Index Term Link )
 transliterate lower-case characters to upper-case — _toupper ( Index Term Link )
 transliterate lower-case wide-character code to upper-case — towupper ( Index Term Link )
 transliterate upper-case characters to lower-case — tolower ( Index Term Link )
 transliterate upper-case characters to lower-case — _tolower ( Index Term Link )
 transliterate upper-case wide-character code to lower-case — towlower ( Index Term Link )
 truncate — set a file to a specified length ( Index Term Link )
 tsearch — manage binary search trees ( Index Term Link )
 ttyname — find pathname of a terminal ( Index Term Link )
  POSIX ( Index Term Link )
 ttyname_r — find pathname of a terminal ( Index Term Link )
 ttyslot — find the slot of the current user in the user accounting database ( Index Term Link )
 twalk — manage binary search trees ( Index Term Link )