man pages section 2: System Calls
 facl — get or set a file's Access Control List (ACL) ( Index Term Link )
 fchdir — change working directory ( Index Term Link )
 fchmod — change access permission mode of file ( Index Term Link )
 fchown — change owner and group of a file ( Index Term Link )
 fcntl — file control ( Index Term Link )
 file control — fcntl ( Index Term Link )
 file descriptor, duplicate an open one — dup ( Index Term Link )
 file pointer, read/write
  move — lseek ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 file status, get — stat, lstat, fstat ( Index Term Link )
 file system
  get information — statvfs, fstatvfs ( Index Term Link )
  get statistics — ustat ( Index Term Link )
  make a symbolic link to a file — symlink ( Index Term Link )
  remove link — unlink ( Index Term Link )
  returns information about the file system types configured in the system — sysfs ( Index Term Link )
  update super block — sync ( Index Term Link )
  change access permission mode of file — chmod ( Index Term Link )
  change owner and group of a file — chown ( Index Term Link )
  change the name of a file — rename ( Index Term Link )
  create a new file or rewrite an existing one — creat ( Index Term Link )
  execute — exec ( Index Term Link )
  get configurable pathname variables — pathconf ( Index Term Link )
  link to a file — link ( Index Term Link )
  move read/write file pointer — lseek ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  set file access and modification times — utime ( Index Term Link )
 fork — create a new process ( Index Term Link )
 fork, spawn new process in a virtual memory efficient way — vfork ( Index Term Link )
 fork1 — create a new process ( Index Term Link )
 fpathconf — get configurable pathname variables ( Index Term Link )
 fstat — get status on open file known by file descriptor ( Index Term Link )
 fstatvfs — get file system information ( Index Term Link )